Mike is a bitch🙄

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Andy drove down the street leading to the gym he and CC frequented, Dig up her bones playing softly from his radio as he hummed along. The volume of the music lowered for a moment and a text notification pinged softly, but he didn't check it until he got to a stop light.

Liv🖤: 'I'll be on set all day, do you want to go out tonight tho?'

'Sure baby, we'll figure something out.'

Andy has yet to tell Olivia about Mike, it wasn't that he was avoiding it, he was just waiting for the right time to do so...ok maybe he was avoiding it a little bit.

He knew his girlfriend has probably picked up on his odd behavior by now and a part of him wanted her to point it out so he didn't have to be the one to bring it up. He wasn't the biggest fan of confrontations.

He pulled into the parking lot of the gym and parked next to the door before he got out and walked inside, looking around until he spotted CC over by the treadmills.

"Hey, man!" Andy greeted with a bright smile, giving the older man a brief hug.

"Hey!" CC replied, patting him on the back before he pulled away. "Shall we?" He asked, gesturing towards the exercise equipment.

Andy nodded and climbed onto the treadmill and turned it on, starting out at a walking pace to warm up. CC joined him on the one next to him and did the same, he glanced at the younger man for a moment.

"So you have any plans for tonight?" He asked easily.

"Olivia and I are thinking about going out but we have nothing planned, why?" Andy asked curiously, looking at him as he turned up the speed.

"Oh me, Lonny and Beaux were gonna go to a bar tonight, you guys want to come with?" CC offered, he had no plans of going to the bar tonight, but now he does.

"That sounds good, I can ask Liv, but I'm sure she'd want to do that." Andy nodded, unaware of the ulterior motive.

CC grabbed his phone and made it seem like he was turning on spotify, but in reality he was texting Beaux.

'Ok operation get Londivia together is under way, we're going to the bar tonight, tell Lonny, but don't mention that Liv and Andy are going to be there.'

Beaux🥁: 'Londivia?🤣 ok I was going to go out with Lonny anyways so this will be easy👍'

CC smiled and turned his phone off, sitting it in the cup holder before he began running. He would've consulted Jake and Jinxx about the plan, but he didn't know them very well so he decided against it.

Lonny had been mopey for days and it was starting to drive CC insane, so naturally he was going to do something about it. He had been around Andy and Lonny long enough to notice that the attraction between them was most definitely not one sided and while he didn't know Olivia as well, he did notice her checking the guitarist out when she thought no one was looking.

This plan was definitely going to work, he wasn't exactly sure what the plan was other than get the three of them in a room together, but he would play it by ear.


Lonny and Beaux walked into the small bar across the street from the drummer's apartment, looking around for CC as they had agreed to meet him there. Originally it was just going to be the two of them, but Beaux suggested they invited CC to join them and Lonny thought nothing of it.

"Over here, guys!" CC shouted from a booth in the corner.

Lonny looked over and froze when he saw Olivia and Andy sitting next to the older man. 'Oh my God, why?' He groaned internally as he followed Beaux to the table, fighting off a scowl at the pleased look on CC's face.

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