I Hate this Fucking Town

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"Fucking move already!" A young man growled, slamming his hand into the steering wheel as he stared angrily at the cars slowly creeping ahead of him on the I-90.

The driver of the sleek 2013 Challenger was tall with midnight black hair, tattoos covering his arms, neck, torso and hands; he wore a simple black hoodie paired with a matching leather jacket and joggers, a necklace with a small and round pendant that appeared to be a locket hung from his neck.

"I fucking hate this town." Andy groaned as he dropped his head onto the steering wheel in frustration.

Andy was a model and a successful one at that. He had a photoshoot that day and was currently running late, or about to be running late.

There was nothing in this world that Andy hated more than being late to things, he never wanted to make the impression that he didn't value other people's time.

He grabbed his phone from the console and sent the photographer he was working with- a guy by the name of Joshua Shultz- a text and let him know he would be a little late due to traffic.

'It's fine, man. Thanks for letting me know, I'll see you when you get here.' Joshua replied.

The model nodded to himself and sat the phone back onto the console. Andy was going to be doing a campaign for YSL and he couldn't help but feel apprehensive, he has been modeling since he was eighteen, but this was fucking YSL, if this campaign did well, Andy would get to be apart of future collections and hopefully walk in a runway for them.

This opportunity could take his career to the next level so he couldn't help but feel stressed about the shoot going well.

After what felt like a lifetime, the cars ahead of him started moving and he sighed in relief.

"Fucking finally." Andy sighed in relief and took his foot off the break and pressed it onto the gas.

The muscle car pulled off the highway and onto a street that lead to Joshua's studio, Creeper blaring from the speakers as the driver pulled into a parking spot next to the side walk and got out, checking his watch nervously but sighed when he saw he was only a few minutes late.

Andy walked down the street, glancing at each building for the address and stopping when he found the correct one.

He took a deep breath to calm his nerves then entered walked up the set of steps and rang the buzzer, waiting patiently for someone to answer.

The door opened to reveal a short, curvy woman with dark brown hair pulled into a messy bun and a sweet smile on her face.

"Hey, you must be Andy! I'm Nikki, I'll be your makeup artist today." She greeted, beckoning Andy to follow her as she closed the door behind him when he stepped inside.

The two walked down a hallway and entered a spacious room with large windows on one side, a couch and some chairs and a backdrop with ring lights and box lights surrounding it.

A muscular man with a beard and salt and pepper hair pulled back into a ponytail was fiddling with what appeared to be a film camera near the set up when he glanced up and smiled widely at the model.

"Hey, you're earlier than I thought you'd be. I'm Joshua by the way." The photographer said as he walked over to Andy and stuck his hand out for him to shake.

"Yeah, I usually try to be early but traffic was God-awful." Andy replied, clasping his hand around the other man's and shaking it.

Joshua was a good looking guy, he wasn't usually the model's type when it came to men, but if Andy was single, he be down if the photographer ever made a move.

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