A Nice Family Dinner

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Jake sat quietly on the couch in his apartment as he contemplated what he should do, a note pad rested on his lap and a pencil in his hand
He stilled planned on doing some sort of intervention with Andy and Lonny, he just wasn't sure how.

The sound engineer had resorted to making a power point of options to run by Jinxx when he got home from the store with Lennon.

He had continued his friendship with Lonny since they stopped working together and the more he got to know him, the more baffled he was that he could ever dislike anyone, let alone Andy.

Jake hadn't mentioned that he knew Andy to the guitarist yet, he figured it wouldn't be the best idea until he decided on how he was going to fix things between them, if he could fix things between them.

The front door swung open. "Help me with these groceries, man." Jinxx called from the hallway.

Jake stood up and walked out to gather the bags from the ground to carry them into the kitchen, sitting them on the counter.

Jinxx stepped inside with a couple of bags in one hand and Lennon on his back in a carrier. "I'm thinking curry tonight." He said, sitting Lennon in his playpen so he could start putting away the groceries.

"Curry, yeah." Jake mumbled absentmindedly as he looked at a can of soup in his hand, not making a move to put it away.

"You still going out with that bass player from that band you're working with? She was cute." Jinxx suggested as he placed vegetables into the crisper in the refrigerator.

"Mhmm." The sound engineer hummed, unaware of the conversation.

The violinist glanced back and rolled his eyes. "Maybe after the date, we can go to Hawaii and sacrifice Lennon in a volcano to the gods?" He dead-panned, turning to face him fully and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Sounds good." Jake nodded, only to yelp when Jinxx wacked the back of his head. "What was that for!?" He hissed, rubbing the back of his head even though it didn't actually hurt that much.

"You're ignoring me." The older man replied with a frown.

"I am n-... ok a little, but I have a lot on my mind." He admitted with a meek grin, opening a bag to pull items out to place them in the cabinet.

"What?" Jinxx asked in confusion, sitting down on the stool at the counter.

"I'm trying to figure out what to do about the roommate situation." Jake said with a huff.

"Oh Andy and Lonny?" Jinxx said, watching Lennon as he played to make sure he was ok.

"Yeah, I came up with some possible options on how to fix it." The younger man replied, grabbing the note pad and flipped it open to the page he had been writing in.

He handed it over the the violinist for him to read and sat down next to him, watching as he skimmed over it.

Jinxx snorted and looked at Jake. "Kidnap them and lock them in an escape room?" He asked incredulously.

"I was bored, but also it might work." Jake defended, chuckling at the mental image it conjured.

"Yeah or they might kill each other." Jinxx replied with an eyeroll. "Seven minutes in heaven- Jake we're adults!" He laughed, shoving the younger man gently.

The violinist continued looking through the list and paused at one. "This one might actually work." He said, pointing at one of the options written lower down the list.

"Which one?" Jake asked, glancing down at the note pad and grinned at what he saw.
"You think so?"

"Yeah, we can see if Andy and Liv can come to dinner one day this week, or tonight even, if Lonny is available." Jinxx nodded, a mischievous smile spreading across his thin lips.

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