Aliens or Possession is The Only Explanation

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Using this picture of Lonny instead of a picture of Olivia for this chapter because plot reasons

Lonny stared at his reflection, a frustrated sigh falling from his lips as he examined the now full beard that covered the lower half of his face.

"Damnit." He muttered as he ran his left hand over the corse hair on his jaw.

He needed to shave, but unfortunately the cast on his dominant hand and the pain made it impossible to hold a razor or his beard trimmer.

He cursed his father's genes for making his facial hair grow at such an abundance. He was fine with a beard, when he actually had the option to choose whether or not he would grow it out, but now he had no choice.

The guitarist pulled out his phone and snapped a quick selfie and posted it to his Instagram story.

'I'm gonna look like a caveman by the time my hand heals!' He captioned it.

He huffed and carefully began to pull his t-shirt over his head, wincing when it jostled his cast and tossed it to the ground before he slid off his sweatpants and boxers.

He grabbed a plastic bag from target and slid it over his cast so he wouldn't get it wet and hopped into the shower.

Lonny never would've guessed how difficult it was to wash hair one handed, but it's a pain in the ass.

He twisted and turned painstakingly slow to rinse the suds from his body without getting water on the cast before he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist, tossing the plastic into the garbage can before opening the door to go back into his room to change.

He paused and turned back to the mirror to look at his reflection before looking back at his beard trimmer, contemplating.

Andy walked into the living room with a basket of clothes in his arms and his phone sandwiched between his ear and shoulder as he talked to Jinxx, he's been needed to do the laundry for about two weeks, but with how crazy things had been prepping for fashion week, he hasn't had the time.

"How's he feeling?" Andy asked the older man. Lennon had come down with a cold and wasn't feeling the best.

"He's still pretty sick, but I took him to the doctor and they said it was just a cold, so I'm not too worried. He's been so cuddly, poor baby, he feels bad." Jinxx said as he glanced into his bedroom to check on the sleeping child in his crib.

"Aww, I'll come by later." Andy said, his heart breaking at the thought of his god son in pain.

"Andy, you have two photoshoots this week and fashion week coming up, you don't need to catch Lennon's cold." The older man chuckled, he knew Andy would be holding Lennon the second he walked through the door.

The model sighed, he knew Jinxx was tight, but he still wanted to see him.

"Tell you what, you can facetime him later when he's awake." Jinxx offered up as an alternative.

"Alright, I guess, but once he's better i want all the cuddles!" He exclaimed, drawing a laugh from Jinxx.

"Deal." The violinist laughed softly, worried he would wake Lennon up.

He paused for a moment before he spoke again. "...You want to stay with us next week? We don't get to see you as often and Lennon misses you." He said, trying to sidestep the obvious suggestion.

Andy smiled sadly and shook his head. Jinxx once again trying to protect him. "I know what you're doing, Jinxx. You don't have to do that." He said. August first was a day he dreaded every year, you would think after all this time it wouldn't hurt any more, but if anything, it hurt more every year it passed.

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