Where's The Dark Chocolate?

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Olivia stood in the kitchen of her boyfriend's apartment, glancing around inside the refrigerator as she decided what she wanted to eat.

"Do you live in my kitchen now?" Lonny asked jokingly as he walked around the corner and spotted the actress.

"Yes I do, you think we can fit a hot tub in here?" She said, turning to look at him with a mock serious look on her face.

Lonny snorted and stepped into the kitchen next to her. "You need help with cooking?" He asked.

"Sure, if you want to tell me where everything is, I can make pasta." Olivia said with a giggle as she pulled out a pot and filled it with water.

"Sure, what do you need?" He asked, getting the dry pasta from the cupboard and sat it on the counter next to her.

"Garlic, onions, vegan butter, a lemon, maybe some mushrooms if we have them and olive oil." She replied, turning the stove on to heat up to water.

"Coming right up." He said as he turned to the refrigerator to gather the items and sat them on the counter so he could chop the garlic and onions.

Olivia grabbed a pan and added vegan butter into it, sitting it on the stove next to the pot so the butter would melt.

They fell into a comfortable silence as they worked together to put the meal together. Lonny humming softly under his breath as he poured the chopped produce into the sizzling pan.

Olivia recognized the tune and joined him, smiling as she gently hip checked him out of her way so she could drain most of the water out.

Lonny let his eyes drift down her body for a moment when her back was turned, but immediately turned back to the sizzling pan, stirring it to keep it from burning. She was an incredibly attractive woman, but she was his friend and his roommate's girlfriend. He did not need to be checking her out.

"Where do you keep the salt and pepper?" Olivia asked turning to pour the noodles into the pan to stir up with the garlic and onions before she added lemon juice to it.

"In that cabinet." Lonny said, pointing towards the direction in question.

Olivia turned around and opened the cupboard, looking around and raising up on her toes to try and look for the items.

"Here, I got them." Lonny said, stepping behind her to move a box of cereal out of the way before he reached in to grab the salt and pepper.

The actress turned around and stared up at Lonny, her face turning bright red when she realized how close he was standing. Lonny glanced down, his breath catching in his throat as her large brown eyes stared up at him, a soft blush painted across her cheeks.

He coughed in embarrassment and stepped back, handing Olivia the salt and pepper before he turned around and walked back to the stove, trying not to die from shame.

The actress cleared her throat and added the seasoning to the pasta, her face still feeling hot when the door opened and they both jumped, turning to see Andy walk through the door.

"Hi baby, hey Lomy." Andy said with a grin, raising an eyebrow at the odd behavior between the two before he shrugged his jacket off.

"Hi honey." Olivia said breathily, turning around to give her boyfriend a kiss.

Andy subtly pushed Olivia's hand away when she moved it to the back of his neck, loosely wrapping his fingers around her wrist as he tugged it down to his chest before he broke the kiss and smiled at her.

Lonny noticed this and cocked his head to the side in confusion, but shrugged it off.

"What'd you guys make?" He asked, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

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