Fucking Cyclists

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Olivia awoke to a soft kiss against her forehead and smiled. She had stayed the night at Andy's apartment and since she didn't have to go to set, she decided to sleep in.

Her eyes fluttered open and saw her lover smiling down at her. "I'm going to the gym today, I'll be back in a few hours." He whispered.

Olivia leaned up and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips and snuggled back into Andy's pillow.

Andy closed his bedroom door quietly behind him and left the apartment, he was going to work out with CC at a gym he recommended to him. He and the older man had become good friends since their interaction in the model's apartment a few weeks prior.

'Breakfast is on me after we workout, dude. What do you want?' Andy texted as he climbed into his car and started the engine.

'You don't have to get me anything!' CC replied, but quickly followed it with another message.

'Egg and sausage biscuit from Macdonald's is fine tho👍'

Andy snorted and turned off his phone as he pulled out of the parking garage.

LA fashion week was in two weeks and Andy was stressed to say the very least. He had done fashion week before, but he's never done one with such a massive brand, he was terrified he would fuck it up somehow.

The model pulled into the parking lot of the building and got out, glancing around until he saw the older man. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a loose tank top, showing off his toned, sun kissed skin and his hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

"Hey, dude!" CC shouted when he spotted the younger man, waving him over as he pulled open the door to the entrance.

"Hey chuppy, how's pasta?" Andy asked, using the ridiculous nickname he had come up with for the other man.

CC snorted and shook his head as they walked inside. "Spoiled rotten, when I left this morning, she took over my bed and had her head on my pillow! I have pictures, look!" He exclaimed, pulling out his phone.

Andy peered down at the screen and laughed at the sight of the massive dog spread out across CC's bed like it was hers with his large face snuggled into the pillow.

"She looks comfortable." Andy commented with a chuckle as he moved over to one of the treadmills.

"You'd think she was paying rent with the way she acts like she owns the place." CC groaned in amusement and frustration, he was spoiling pasta, but he didn't actually care.

The model giggled at the comment and shook his head as he turned the exercise machine on and began walking to warm up.

"How's that girlfriend of yours?" CC asked, he still hadn't met Olivia, but from what both Lonny and Andy have told him, he knew he would love her.

"She's good, she stayed the night with me and didn't have to go to set, so she's sleeping in, she looked really fucking cute." Andy said with a soft smile as he thought about his lover curled up in his bed before he left, nuzzling sleepily into the pillows after she kissed him goodbye.

CC shook his head before he turned on his own treadmill and began walking. This was another reason he questioned that Mike guys story. Andy was completely infatuated with Olivia and it wasn't an act, why would he feel the need to pretend he's the world's best boyfriend around someone who doesn't even know Olivia? The story Beaux told him and the person standing next to him weren't adding up.

He wanted to ask Andy about it, but he felt like it wasn't his place and it was also weird to ask someone you've only known a few weeks about their ex and if they are in fact an emotionally abusive narcissist.

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