Lomy and Andy fight therapy

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"Come on, man! It's just a date, not even a date, really. Just accompanying a lovely woman to a wedding!" Beaux whined as he followed Lonny up the sidewalk, trying to keep up with him

"Dude, I don't know, I haven't even met her! What if we have a terrible time?" Lonny said, glancing back at the older man.

Beaux was trying to convince him to take one of his friends to a wedding because her date bailed on her last minute(it totally wasn't to try and get Lonny to move on from Andy and Olivia since the dumbass won't actually make a move).

She sounded nice and Beaux showed him a picture of her, she was definitely pretty, but Lonny didn't neccesarily want to go to a wedding for people he doesn't know with a woman who he also doesn't know.

"You'll have a great time! Plus CC and I will be there, so you'll have someone to hang out with!" Beaux tried, he really needed to just put himself out there and go on some fucking dates if he wasn't going to ask the two people he's actually interested in on a date.

Lonny stopped walking and sighed, staring up at the sky for a long moment before he nodded. "Alright fine, but only as a favor to you!"

"Good! I'll tell Rheta that you'll come." The drummer said with a pleased grin.

The two parted ways once they reached their cars and drove off. Lonny was going to need to buy a suit or at the very least, rent one, if he thought any of Andy's would fit, he would just borrow his. That white sweater of his with some slacks might look nice?

He hated this, he didn't even want to go to that wedding, let alone with Beaux's friend. Maybe Beaux and CC were right though? Maybe he did need to just try to move on.

He pulled into the parking garage and stepped into the elevator, googling what qualified as 'formal enough' for a wedding.

He walked down the hall once the door slid open and opened his apartment door with a sigh.

"Well you sound happy." Andy said with a laugh from the couch, turning off the audiobook he was listening to.

"What is formal?" The guitarist asked.

"What?" Andy asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

"What's appropriate for a wedding? I don't have a suit and I don't think yours would fit me." Lonny explained, sitting down next to the older man.

"Well, a nice shirt and some dress pants should be fine. Whose getting married and when is it?" The model said, turning to face Lonny a bit better.

"Some friends of Beaux's. This girl he knows is supposed to be in the wedding but her date bailed on her so he asked me if I could take her, I think it's in two weeks?" Lonny said, the sweater and slacks should work fine then, but he'd still send a picture to the drummer just in case.

"Oh." Andy said. He didn't like the feeling that came over him at the thought of Lonny going out with someone. "Do you even know this girl?" He questioned, tilting his head to the side to watch the younger man carefully as he responded.

"No, but it's not a big deal." Lonny replied, standing up to walk into his bedroom to grab the clothes so he could look at them together, maybe try them on. "Would a black peacoat look nice with a sweater and slacks?"

"Yeah, that will look great, but why the hell are you going out with a girl you don't even know?" Andy said, redirecting the conversation back to the topic at hand as he felt a certain feeling that he wouldn't name fill him more and more.

Lonny turned and looked at Andy in confusion. "I'm doing it as a favor, I have to; besides, I haven't been on a date in forever, so it might be fun." He shrugged.

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