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Lonny woke up with a groan, his vision blurry as he sat up in bed. He barely got any sleep the night before due to all the noise his roommate and whoever that woman was had made when they got home.

He was exhausted, his head throbbing as he stood up, yawning hard enough to make his jaw crack before he walked into the bathroom. Thankfully Lonny didn't have to work that day so she could easily sleep in, but first he was going to get a water from the refrigerator, his mouth felt like sandpaper and his lips were sticking together.

After he finished taking a piss, the guitarist walked down the hall towards the kitchen, hearing pans clink together as someone dug through the cabinet for something.

'This piece of fucking shit.' Lonny thought, fully prepared to tell off the older man as he rounded the corner and glanced over the counter and sink that separated the kitchen from the living room when suddenly a woman popped up with a frying pan in her hand and Lonny froze in place, his eyes widening as he took her in.

She was an absolutely stunning woman with brown shoulder length hair, sun kissed skin, full pouty lips and big doe eyes; she was wearing a black Alkaline Trio shirt, but the counter hid the rest of her body.

She glanced at the guitarist and shot him a tired smiled. "Hi, you must be Lonny. I'm Andy's girlfriend, Olivia." She said sweetly.

'Girlfriend?' Lonny thought to himself. Andy had never mentioned a girlfriend...though the other man would have no reason to do so since they barely spoke outside of insults and bickering.

"Oh uh yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you." Lonny said when he realized he hadn't said anything yet.

"Nice to meet you too! Do you want some breakfast? I was just about to make some for Andy and I." Olivia offered as she sat the pan on the stove and turned the eye under it on so it would heat up.

"Oh you don't have to, I was just gonna grab a water." Lonny said as he finally willed his legs to move and walked around the counter to enter the kitchen area.

The shirt she was wearing was oversized and fell to the tops of her thighs, revealing her long slender legs. The guitarist looked away when she opened the refrigerator door and bent down to get something.

"It's fine, I'm already cooking anyways, do you like pancakes?" She asked as she pulled a carton of almond milk from the refrigerator and spun around slowly as she eyed the cupboards, trying to remember which one had the vegan pancake mix Andy mentioned when she got up.

"I do, yeah...what are you looking for?" He found himself asking, smiling slightly as the woman's brows furrowed and her lips twisted to one side while she stared at the cabinets as if she was trying to see through the wooden panels.

"Pancake mix, Andy told me where it was but I forgot which one he said." Olivia said, turning around to look at her boyfriend's roommate.

He seemed a lot nicer than Andy had described to her, though that might be because they didn't know each other and he was trying to be polite.

"He keeps all of his food in that one and that one so I'd look in there, I'd tell you if I knew more specifically, but I don't go through his food." Lonny said as he gestured to two cupboards in the corner next to the refrigerator.

Olivia nodded and opened one of them, glancing around and moving things aside before she made a noise of triumph as she pulled the box out and waved it around happily, making Lonny chuckle.

What was someone as sweet and kind as her doing with someone as insufferable as Andy? Surely it wasn't just his looks, that would only get him so far. Based on last night, he must have a magic dick, that had to be it.

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