To Amazon prime and British Bastards in Cowboy Hats

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It had been a few days since Andy and Lonny reconciled and they were actually getting along for the most part, sure they still bickered constantly, but now it was good natured jabs and teasing instead of blinding rage and hatred.

"Do you want real people food or whatever the fuck they eat on your planet?" Andy yelled from the kitchen.

"Big talk from a guy who lives on barbecue tofu!" Lonny called back from the bathroom as he straightened his hair.

Andy snorted. "Barbecue tofu is delicious, fuck you." He mumbled to himself as he cooked said dish for. "I'll just make enough for both of us since you won't answer the damn question!"

"Fine by me!" Andy was actually a pretty good cook, so Lonny was fine with him making dinner.

He unplugged his straighter and walked into the kitchen, leaning over the counter to watch Andy cook. "Liv coming over?" He asked.

"Probably, she's filming her last scene today, so we'll probably break out the wine to celebrate." Andy said as he seared each side of the tofu to get it crispy.

"Isn't it usually champagne that people break out?" Lonny questioned, his eyebrows knitting together.

"Champagne is disgusting." Andy deadpanned, his nose wrinkling in disgust at the thought of the drink.

The guitarist snorted and shook his head, making his was around the counter. "Need help?"

"Grab the nutritional yeast for me?" The model requested as he poured the barbecue sauce over the tofu.

It was Lonny's turn to look disgusted at that, but he did as he was told and handed to bag to Andy. "What the hell is that stuff?" He asked.

"It's a supplement that has a bunch of vitamins and stuff in it and it kind of a nutty, cheesy flavor, it's really good." Andy said, sprinkling it on top before he moved to sit both of the red and black plates on the table and placed a fork next to each of them.

"Any word on a tour yet?" He asked, nodding in appreciation when Lonny handed him a drink when he joined him at the table.

"No, but I'm kind of relieved if that makes any sense, I'd rather wait another couple of months before I tried to do a full tour since my hand isn't fully back to normal yet." Lonny said, taking a bite of the food placed before him and hummed in delight at the flavor. "Ok that does taste good, I take back everything I said."

Andy chuckled and shook his head. "That makes sense, you wouldn't want to risk reinjuring your hand."

"Did your parents get back from their road trip safely?" Lonny nodded and swallowed so he could actually answer him.

"Yeah, they loved it here. I'm pretty sure they were more excited about meeting you than seeing me." He joked.

Andy grinned. "Can you blame them?" Laughing when Lonny rolled his eyes.

"They seemed nice... I wish I could've talked to them more, but uhm- I wasn't really up for company that day." He said awkwardly, taking a bite of tofu to stop himself from talking anymore.

Lonny merely nodded, he wasn't sure if Andy wanted to talk about what had been going on. "I noticed... you ok now?" He wanted to slap himself when he asked, why would he do that? If Andy wanted to talk about it he would have.

The model glanced up for a moment, how the hell does he answer that without answering it? Should he tell him the truth? 'No, fuck no. Definitely not. Just say you don't want to talk about it, dumbass!'

"Yeah I am now... it uh- it was the-" Andy cut himself off. 'What the fuck are you doing?' He thought to himself, angry at his own stupidity.

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