2. Is she 10??!!

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Living room*

                  NICHOLAS POV

I am currently sitting with my would be wife.

If you are thinking I am a kind of person who is
ready to settle down than you are wrong.

I am here because of my father. YES!! For my father.

Apparently my father somehow knows her and want me to marry her.
When I tried to explain the reason I don’t want to settle… He started giving me puppy eyes and
he knows it well that I cannot resist that..

My father is admitted in the cancer treatment hospital or you can say a place where all the cancer
patient stay like a family… And if you are wandering why he is their even though I am fucking billionaire??? It’s because it’s his wish.

I tried to convince him to come back home but he stated “No son I don’t want to , that place doesn’t feel like home and also you travel a lot and stay busy!!!... I feel happy here

It’s true I stay busy most of the time , but I love my father a lot, whatever I am today is because of him and he knows that…
I am not good at showing emotion , the only emotion I show is anger and frustration that what
outsiders says…

Only if they knew!!

Emotions makes me weak and fragile and I don’t want to repeat my mistakes…

“Son, how is everything going?? “ Mr Petar aka my would be father in law asked…..

“Yes sir everything is fine” My voice as usual deep and cold, man why can’t I even smile!!!!!

“So what do u think of this marriage?”
The only person who is asking so many questions…..
Whereas his daughter didn’t even bother to look at me, she is looking down…

She is playing with her nails… It’s true that I don’t want to marry anyone but it’s also true she isn’t my type!!!
Don’t get me wrong it’s that I prefer feisty, smart, elegant, and outspoken women…

And she is not even close….

I have been with several models and business women and all of them were exceptionally beautiful and smart but still I never committed myself ..

So u can understand I guess!!

She is wearing jeans with a white baggy top…. She doesn’t even know how to present herself!!!


What did my father see in her?? Only he knows… And to be honest I am least interested to know
about her…
Sorry I forgot Petar asked me something…

“Yes I think we should do it within a month… Because I will have to attend a business trip after
that” I replied….

And now she decided to look at me..

Shock eminent in her brown eyes and also sadness!??..

“But before that I would like to talk to your Daughter, if you don’t mind” I shifted my gaze to Petar..
He hesitate a little but agreed in the end..

“Naomi go and talk to him, I will send the refreshment in you study room then” Peter told her……..

And her name is Naomi!!

She nodded and look at her father and her father eyed her trying to say something but she just avoid it…


We went to her study her head still down while walking… She didn’t seem shy person when I
saw her last week..

Yess!!I have seen her last week near the cancer hospital jumping like a kid with all the other kids
what is she!!! 10 years??

She literally pushed me while jumping but my body guards were quick to hold her so that her
body doesn’t fall on me…

But little did I know she will become my wife



Thank you so much for reading ❤

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