21.You were really busy

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Roni decided to meet her dearest friend today so she came in Dawson's mansion to spend some time.
Both the friends are sitting on the drawing room with Mr Dawson and May..

"So May...you are telling us that Nicholas; the hot muscular hunk was once a chubby kid" Roni burst out laughing...

"Yes dear he was not only a chubby kid, he was the sweetest kid you could have ever known " May replied smiling....

"Really??..... I don't believe " Roni looked surprised

Why she wont be surprised , everyone knows how cold and intimidating he can be.. He is known for that in business world.. ... "Emotionless king"..

Naomi smiled internally coz she knows why her friend is surprised... But in this few days she realised that he can be a nice person if he wants to.

She felt that deep inside his outer hard shell he his a sweet person.

" I know it's seems strange to you all, but trust me ,my son was really sweet , he used to smile more when his mother was alive..... Everything changed after the final year of his university " Mr Dawson replied giving  them a sad smile..

"What happened?? " Roni curious mouth asked..

"That's not my part to say actually " He replied "but sometimes I believe I am responsible for everything, My son would have had a fun in life if I wasn't got sick ... Too much responsibility killed my sons innocent days " Mr Dawson looked really sad...

But our Naomi is always their to make things better.. So she stood up and sat beside Mr Dawson... "Dad don't blame yourself, your son really loves you... And if he hear such things he will be really upset.. Do you want to see him upset?? No right... " She kissed his cheeks....

Mr Dawson looked at her and smiled "and to be honest whatever he is today is because of you , your support and love.... Don't say such things... You are the best you know that " Naomi looked at him and pout showing fake anger while leaning sideways resting her head on his head ....

Naomi never got a good supporting father,  so she always think Nicholas is lucky to have such a great father....

"Oh my daughter dont get angry with the old man.. You don't know ..may be i won't be their next day" He patted her head but she stand up suddenly not liking what he said..

"You know I don't like it when you say this.... Never, I mean never ever say that, otherwise I will leave and I will never return to you " She said, her eyes filled with sadness..

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