42. I will never let her go..

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(Heart breaking chapters ahead. Please don't hate me)

7th October~

It's 7:30 in the evening. I came really late to the room. How can I do this!!. I have to apologise to her now.

What can I do ??you tell me.. I had to do something to divert the attention of media from this case. Media already suspecting about my everyday visit to this hospital...

According to the source some believes my Dad is sick, some thinks Naomi is pregnant. Media can anyday gather in this hospital or can anyday publish this things... And if they know what actually happened to Naomi or The Rose then this will lead to a chaos..

I cannot let anyone question my wife, I promised her I will protect her from now on, and I will stand with my promise till I die..

So today I went to office and just appointed few people to look after this and not create any suspicion..

I brought few sunflower for her while coming here..sunflower is one of her favorite flower.. How do I know??
Remember I promised myself to know about her more!!
Yes, I tried my level best to know about her after that day ....

I entered in her room and started apologising as soon as I open the door..

"I am really really sorry Naomi, I had a pile of work.. I had to co-"
my voice stuck inside my throat when I saw her ...

A ventilator is fitted on her face...
Oh God!!
She was fine in the morning what happened to her now??

The doctor entered and look at me...

"Doc what happened to her?? " I asked panicked

"Nicholas relax she is fine... She was just having problem in breathing.. So we put her in ventilation" Doctor tried to assure me..

How can she say that Naomi is fine, when she is clearly not!!!

May be Doctor Leone understand my state so she added "see Nicholas, she went through lot of surgeries, she is in her recovery state.. Their will be lot of complications as I told you... And problem in breathing is one of them.. She will be fine, we just need to look after her..." She smiled

And I felt a tug on my hand to see Naomi looking at me..

"Heyy, are you feeling better" I asked leaning closer to her.. I kissed her forehead and she smiled..

I missed her smile so much...

It's already 12 , and we didn't even notice it... I kept on telling what is happening around the world.. And she added little bit.. She is still weak but atleast she is trying to get better..

"Nick" She called..

"So Rony is n- YES tell me" I replied instantly..

"Can you take me out of this hospital?? This place doesn't feel good" She requested...

"Bu.. But you are still not fully recovered.. How can I t-"

"Please Nick... I don't feel so good here" She again requested...

"Okay okay let me see what can I do" I said smiling..

"You now close your eyes, I will call a nurse to give you the med okay"..

" Okay" She smiled..


Doctor Leone's office~

"It's risky Nicholas!! Hospital have everything she needs... What if she needed sudden help??? " She asked annoyed with my request..

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