8.I cant love you

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Nicholas office ^^


It's been 5 days since I returned home and I am already frustrated.. You ask the reason!!

Its My wife!!!.

I don't know why I am loosing all my patience and calm in these days. But like I said the said wife isn't right for my mental state.

I underestimated her in the first meeting, she is not a shy and conserved person as she looked..
And trust me when I say this 26 year old women behave like a Baby monkey!!!

My home is no more a peaceful place to relax.. She is too loud for my ears. She jumps around in the whole house.. Running, giggling and laughing like a kid.....i get frustrated because of her, I cannot even concentrate...

I definately don't find it funny except when she pause like a statue when she sees me...

I remember 3 days back, she was running down the stairs in a hurry and looking behind to tell dad she is going out, not even Noticing I am standing and taking an important call.

Before she could crash with me she looked in front and froze immediately. Her eyes widen and she was looking like a 5 year old caught for stealing candy.

I looked at her, and she looked everywhere except me. I would have laughed loud if I was in any other situation. But I cannot laugh because this will encourage her childish behavior more.

She is a getting spoiled by everyone in our mansion. Father, our workers everyone. And I am not going to encourage this behavior of her.

I wanted to ask her to stop this childish behavior but I don't because of my Father , her childish attitude makes him smile...And I don't understand why!!

By the way I forgot to tell that I got the reports from doctor and he informed me that my father life expectancy is increasing and I am so relieved to hear it...


This means we, I mean Naomi and me have to think of a plan so that we can smoothly take a divorce after one year without hurting my father. I don't want him to get upset and detoriate his health again but getting out of this marriage is equally important.......

Today I cannot reach home late unlike last few days. if you ask me whether I am deliberately going home late?than you are absolutely right...

I am doing this since 4 days to avoid dinner with them, if you ask me why?

It's to avoid Naomi

She is messing with my brain and this pretence to be in love is making me sick... I don't even like her and I will never fall in love with someone like her.

It's really hard to resist her smell !!

Yes you heard it right.. Although I don't like her in that sense and to be precise she is not my type but damn she smells good..

She smells like a vanilla cupcake, and fresh cup of coffee.

What the fuck!!! See I told you she is messing with my brain...


I cannot trust anyone ..they all are same..I hate marriage ,I hate love I hatee doing emotional shit ....
Like everyone tells I am cold hearted Arogant fool who doesn't know how to love....

"Sir!! " My assistant called bursting the bubble of my thinking..

"Yes??" I asked

"Sir, maam is here" My secretary joshua replied...

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