41.Another Chance?

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She actually wholeheartedly didn't want me in her life now.. Next few days after the nightmare incident , she didn't even bother to acknowledge my presence as if I am invisible..

Like I promised I went to visit her everyday, even stayed whole night.
I sneak into her room at night after she has taken the sleeping pills...

Call me creepy but this is only time when I could sit beside her and hold her hand and even kiss her forehead..

She turned really skinny and pale.. Recovery is still very slow.. As if the fighter in her lost all the battle.. Her sarcastic comment, cheeky smile, shine in her eyes everything fade away with it...

She turned cold and her eyes lost all her warmth..

Getting back to her medical condition.. I heard that she gets scared whenever anyone touches her.. She even screams and cry loud with pain... But doctor Leone is saying it isn't the physical pain...
For first few days she was still talking to the doctor but now nothing comes out from her mouth.. She just lay on the bed like a dead body... Her bruises are still deep... Her face still swollen.
The ventilation tube is removed. She is free of hospital  equipments but a IV is still attached. And constant monitor beeping to check her pressure and heart rate.
They told me she is better now, but I don't believe.

Doctors asked me not to come in front of her eyes, because it may trigger her ..

I asked you God everyday ,"are you testing me!!! Don't you know it pains me"

But I never got any reply.

"Hey, how are you?" Roni asked after coming out from Naomi's room..

"Did she talk to you? " I asked her but still looking at her from outside...

"Yes she did a little bit" She said sadly..

"Atleast she is talking to you, you might really means a lot to her... Lucky you" I said while suppressing my sadness and hiding it with a little laugh..

"Don't get hard on yourself.. Give her time " She said patting my shoulder...

"I lov- just want her to get well.. Nothing else" I said holding back my betraying tears which are threatening to come out..

"Take care Nick" She said and left while holding her belly... Oh did I tell you she is pregnant...

I again turned to look at my wife...

Please get well soon love.. I will make everything right I promise...

11:00 pm~

I actually slept on the seat ,outside her room.. It's time, doctors already gave her medicine and left I guess...

I looked from outside the glass and my eyes widen too see her trying to get down..

I immediately rush to her...
And hold her when she was about to fall on ground...

"Why are you getting up" I asked her while holding her in my arms... She looks so fragile and weak that i feel like I might hurt her now.

She didn't answer me,she just push my hand away. The pain I was feeling inside my chest intensified. The hatred in her eyes for me is breaking me..

She tried to walk but then stumble again.. Did she forget that her hip bone is injured? Or she is still attached to IV.

I hold her waist lightly and asked again.. "Where are you trying to go Naomi? You are injured You just can't walk like that..." I said hoping she will listen to me...

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