17.Why did you agreed??

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(This chapter is really long, with too many pov, and not edited properly... Please comment on the portion I need to edit 😁enjoy..)


I am currently sitting on the couch waiting for her. She is cooking for us although I asked her not to....
No doubt she cooks really good, specially my favorite chiken lasagna but i dont like people doing my work without expecting anything in return...

But you kind of liking that someone is taking care of you!!

May be i like it ,but i am not going to tell it loud.

After she went back to kitchen, I went to take a warm bath, her bathroom is small as compared to my bathroom.. But it's pretty cute.....

Now I am currently sitting on the couch wearing ethan's clothes which are oversized too...

I resume the movie she was watching before I invaded her peace...

Oh it's a love story again, how boring... Women and their obsession with love stories..

Oww!! Ow oww... Shit shit!! I heard Naomi's voice..

Shit!! Her ankle!!!
How can i forget that she have an injured ankle....

I immediately rush to the kitchen.. And what I saw has momentarily scared me....



I never thought in 26 years of my life that someone is going to find  my secret place I mean my apartment..... And also i didn't thought that someone will get so worried for me

Just because I switched off my phone for 3 days!!....

Or I am again  Overthinking??,

May be I am...

Yes I am ,because It's not possible, it can't be true that someone cares for me!!

I am trying to cook pasta, but it is difficult to move... I still have injured ankle... Although I am trying to take medicine and applying warm and cold water...

Am I going to go to a doctor?? Nahh definately not...

Shit shit!!! I step with my wrong foot...
Now I cannot keep my balance...

And thudd!! I fell on the floor, and my ass is kissing the floor now.....

It's fucking hurt!!!! Why I am so clumsy... Aghhhhh!!!

I am holding my leg and tried to stand up....

Oww!! Owww oww shit shitt... My leg!!

I looked up to see Nicholas standing looking shoked and terrified, but he should not, he should not look at me like that!!

He crouch down... He is looking at me than at my injured ankle which is still blue and fade green.

"Are you okay???" He asked , looking into my eyes.

"Umhh yeah I am fine" I tried to stand but fail..
But he held my back to support me...
I hate it, I hate the tingles I feel when he show concern...

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