24.You wont understand!!

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"No I won't go" Naomi replied on the phone..

"But why??" Nicholas asked..

"You won't understand " She replied irritated..

Nicholas is confused as to why his wife is so against visiting her parents house...

"Try me " He replied..

"I can't explain , I won't go that's final" Naomi screamed and cut the call.




2 hours later~

"You are pathetic " Naomi huffed looking out of the window..

"Yes I know but atleast i convinced you to visit your parents " He chuckled..

But little did he know why she refused to visit....

Naomi's childhood wasn't a  normal one... The day she started talking her father admitted her in school... Her father was always competitive and with the pass of time it increased more....

Whether it was a competition of who ran fast or who cook better, Naomi had to do her best to win.... Most of the times she won but the days when she lost was the worst days of her life....

Like their is an incident where Naomi couldn't score good due to her Ill health but her father scolded her and gave her lectures almost a week ...

"You are a failure and you will always be.... You don't have a will to win... You coward " Was the words of her father...

She thought everything will change after high school but it turned worst...
Her father was never satisfied...

And now when her so called husband is on the news for his scandals, she is expecting to hear a long ass  degrading speech from her father..

She sighs
" You find it funny right?? Than wait you will get more things to laugh at today... Like looking at my defeated face.  How funny it will look right!!!" She gave a fake  chuckle while looking at him.. Eyes glistening with disappointment and anger...

And that's when he noticed that she is shaking, her hands are trembling..... He thought of holding her hands and ask what's the problem but couldn't gather enough courage to do that.....

Tainted Love (Completed✔️) Where stories live. Discover now