6.He is here!!

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Third point of view

Now it's almost 10:30 pm, he is preety late. He reached here at 6:30pm but he had to settle few things in his office here and he didn't notice the time.

He decided to not disturb anyone now so He reached kitchen directly for the food . He is tired as well as hungry. He is thinking whether he will get any food at this time or not.

May be he can grab fruits and juices.

And that's when he noticed a casserole. He  moved forward and noticed a letter. He picked up and started reading it...

Hey it's me Naomi,
I get to know from your assistant that you will be late today. If you come before 8:30 you might see me in the study but after that I might already be in deep sleep. I have work tomorrow so.

I cooked lasagna today, I kept it in casserole for you. Heat it before eating. I guess it's already turned cold.

He didn't realise but he was smiling while reading this..

Umh and yes drink something hot after eating, it was cold outside and you came late so I hope this will prevent you from getting cold.(btw I already prepared hot chocolate for you, dad told you love it .. Look right of the microwave) .

Good night


Crazy!! He can only think while smiling. But when he realised he was smiling with out any reason he straighten himself.

What the fu** you are thinking?? He think to himself...
This is the first time he felt a warmth inside his heart. Someone thinking about him and genuinely taking care of him is happening for the first time.....

He heat the food and ate it, he felt good after eating.... He went to his room to get a good sleep but he noticed his wife is sleeping in the bed....

He thought of sleeping in the same bed but didn't. He thought it will be better if he talk to her about it then... Before leaving the room he looked at the innocent looking girl for once...

Crazy!! He thought again...


next morning~

She woke up to see the bed is empty, did he not came yesterday??  She thought.


He was supposed to come yesterday but I see no sign of him. Did he not came?? Did he stayed in the office??
My question were answer when miss Jina knocked my door..

"Morning Jina" I smiled

"He is here" She replied....

"Okay I will be down in a few minute" I replied..

I get up immediately, I am seeing him after 2 month... Am I exited?? Nah, I am not, why will I be?? Just that..may be we will talk to each other now and become friends for this one year span..

I took a warm bath, it's January and it's really cold outside..... I did my job in the bathroom. Wore my most comfortable clothes.. I used my most favorite vanilla and coffee perfume...

It's 9:00am now

I will meet Roni today then I will meet few people to gather few documents for my new case which I am currently working on .... And may be then I will stroll around park or sit in the library..

Niomi's outfit^^

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Niomi's outfit^^

I directly went to his study and I saw him sleeping peacefully in his study...
However this looks uncomfortable,God help him from muscle ache.

I noticed the hot chocolate on his table...
Should I wake him up or not?? I was debating to myself..

I decide against my instinct and  try to leave his study without disturbing him.. And I said 'try'..

"Naomi? " He called rubbing his eyes. He is looking like a kid unlike his real personality in newspaper and magazine.....

"Hey, good morning... How was your flight?? " I asked awkwardly..

"Good morning, it was tiring... " He replied..and yawning in between.He still look tired... Obviously he slept in his chair.. Why didn't he sleep in his bed???.. Is he uncomfortable with me sleeping in bed.?? I guess I have to shift to another room..He needs his own bed offcourse. I will have to choose another room after I return.

I was so lost in my thinking. I almost didn't listen his question. May be he asked me where I am going...

"I am going out for work I will return before the dinner..... And yes, please spend time with Mr Dawson , he was missing you a lot" I replied and tried to escape his study....

"Yeah sure, and I need to talk to you after dinner" He informed and I got nervous..

"Oh... O... Okay " I stuttered..

"By the way thanks for last night " He said sincerely.

I smiled and nodded and left the room...


I suddenly woke up with vanilla and coffee flavor Lingering on my nose.. I saw Naomi leaving...

And Ugh!! My body is aching.. I should have slept in my bed.

I talked to her for a bit but she seemed reluctant to talk to me, she was trying to escape??..

"Yeah sure, and I need to talk to you after dinner" I told her and she suddenly stiffened.. I shrug it off. I need to talk to her about our arrangements.

"Oh... O... Okay " She stuttered..... Why is she scared?? I don't like women like this...

When she left after that I realised what was she wearing... Oh my god why she dress like a teenager... She is 26 for God sake.... She behave like a kid why??

But to keep in mind sometimes when she speaks she doesn't seem kid but that happens once in a blue moon... And also we hardly talk...

Stop thinking about her Nicholas!!!

I have a hell lot of work and I need to spend time with dad also...

This will be a long day...

Thank you for reading ❤❤

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Love you and take care❤🥺

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