15.My Home (part 2)

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Naomi outfit^^(i don't own any photo I used)


I am in My home, yes it's My fuc**** home..... Okay to be precise it's my Apartment.. A two bedroom small cute apartment which I bought when I passed my law school....

It's my escape.. Escape from my family, escape from anything which  bothers me... No one knows about this place of mine except Peter, Roni and Ethan... They even have the spare keys in case they want to stay here for few days...

I love this place a lot, I have so many memories...
There were times when I cried myself to sleep here because I couldn't take any more pressure from my house and work...

I still remember when I was having constant fight with my Father over My work.... I couldn't win a case and lost a lot of money coz it was my first case and he told me I was worthless and I don't respect my work... Preety pathetic I know...

But I am now preety successful... Because I stopped caring about what however  that doesn't mean his words doesn't effect me sometimes...

Then their was that funny memory. It was most probably one year ago when I caught Roni having sex with her boyfriend on my couch..

That was so disgusting.. Ugh!! I literally change my covers on the same day..

By the way what I was saying is I AM FUC**** ANGRY AT NICHOLAS.....I HATE HIM!!

It's been 3days !!!
since that incident happened... He said what not to me, Accusing me of things I didn't do .. How dare he is!!... And who the hell he think he is..

'Your husband'

I mean yes but that's in pen and paper and that to it's fake. And husband or not He has no right to interfere when he himself doing shit outside..

So I switched off my phone and came here to MY HOUSE  for clearing my head..

If anyone, although I don't have many people to call me but still if they have to they can do it in my office cell number...

I am really pissed off  because He questioned my character..
That night he was so gentle when he was holding me I-I never tho-

Thought what stupid!!How can you trust anyone so easily Naomi!!! You didn't learnd from your past???My sense mocked

And it is freaking right...how can I trust people so easily.. How did you thought a stranger will care about you when your own family doesn't gives a shit about you....

"Don't be a bitch Naomi, you knew I wasnt happy with you but you still wanted to work things out, don't act so Naive!!" My ex-boyfriend told me while leaving me years ago... He told me many things but now that line is ringing inside my head....

Yeah he was right, when I know and see everything than why I still think that every person have a good side... Why!!!..


Now who the hell came at this hour!!its 10:00pm now..
No one knows about this place.. May be my neighbours.. ..

So I tried to stand up, which I failed...
I started Limping towards my door..


Fuck!! "Waitttt"I shouted to the person standing outside the door..


"Trust me whoever it is I  am going to cut you into pieces and feed you to street dogs!!! " I shout again while trying to walk little fast..

Oww oww!!! Fuck!!
I again hit my ankle..

I opened the door
"You Ass***e , I asked you to wait.. Oww!! You piece of shit" I shouted at the man standing , face covered in mask and head covered with a cape...

Should I run?? Should I scream??Before I could shut the door I heard

"I didn't know you have such a filthy mouth Dear Wifey"



Short chapter I know but I decided to update anyway......

I might not update in 2 days so...
I have my exams...

BTW thank you so much for reading.. Whoever reading I love you all a lot..

Keep supporting me because writing makes me happy and I want you to encourage me 👉👈❤❤❤

Take care

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