32.No way

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At the event..

I landed in New York two days ago and the events starts from today... The final Ball is tomorrow evening...

Today every business men , models and other associates ,advisor will meet and greet each other...
Today's party is little bit sophisticated.. Every one of us is wearing Black ,matching the theme...

Betty came with me but now I couldn't find her anywhere...
Obviously she must be mingling with other rich business men and models growing her connection....

And here I am drinking, not feeling enthusiastic... The main event is tomorrow anyway....

I kinda miss her...

She is like a sunshine, everything brightens up when she is near..


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I can see from here, everyone is talking with each other, may be i should start talking too otherwise my motive will not be fulfilled...

But i stop in my track when I hear few people talk about Ms Rose!!

"Do you know The Ms Rose!! is here " One of the man said..

"Really?? I mean she never attended any events before, how come now? " The other person asked curiously..

Naomi is here?? But she didn't inform me!!! .... If she was invited why didn't she came with me??

I would have loved it if she attended this even with me!!

"I don't know man, I have never seen her. I heard that her name is in the list... "

"You know she isn't that beautiful like people claim her to be. She is so average looking"

I suddenly see red, how dare he speak like that!!

"I saw her in the morning. I don't know why she hidden herself like a treasure!...i mean what's the hype for?..why everyone is excited." That ugly faced chuckled.

And i can feel my blood is starting to boil.. How dare he disrespected her like that!!..  I was about to retort back when someone beat me to reply them..

"Did you ever see her in person??" He asked in Authoritative voice..

The men who were laughing was suddenly quite...

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