10.Running from the past

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7 years ago

Soon my result will be out, after that I am going to fully take over my fathers business  plus I will do something in hotel and hospitality management too..

It's my dream to live a happy and successful life. I lost my mother when I was just 10,and after that My father was Diagnosed with cancer when I was 17.

I tried my level best to work on my fathers company. To be honest it's really tough and tiring. On one side I was trying to ace my tests and on the other hand this business...

Dad tried to work and teach things to me but that wasn't enough..... Our company is working in an average rate now... And so after I clear my exam I will fully take over the business to take it to the top again...

I parked my car and get out of it.

I am currently outside my Girlfriend house, to surprise her..

I was so busy this past few month due to exams and business that I couldn't give her enough time.Whenever I got time I talked to her but now We  only talked during midnight but that also stoped a month ago because she was trying to find internship and was doing few modeling collaboration...

I understand her situation, so I didnt say anything because I want her to be as successful like me... I love her a lot...And I want to achieve everything in her.

She is everything after my father...she came into my life when I was loosing my sanity, I was broken,I could not think straight... That's when She gave me hope...

I cannot explain in words how much I love her and need her!!

And so today I am here to make things right again. I have been planning this day since last week.....
I brought sunflowers, dark chocolate... And smelling candles to create a dinner date effect.....
And Chinese takeout ,her favourite..... I hope she will be happy afterall this are all her favorite..

She was busy whole day so i couldn't take her out but i can surprise her now right....


I pressed the bell

2 min no one replied...


I again pressed

I heard someone coming

I hide myself behind the wall to surprise her... 1   2   3    


I froze in my place to see the person who is standing in front of me and wearing nothing but boxers and his neck is covered with hickeys,hairs messy...

For few minute we both didn't utter a word..I could not believe what I wala seeing. But I was too shoked to blink..

until my girlfriend comes from behind him..

"Who is it babyy" She asked that person with a seducing voice... She didn't notice me but when she noticed

she froze...

"Nicholas let me expla-"

I interrupt her and shout"What!! What are you going to say Luca????" I turned to the man ..

"Are you going to tell me it's a mistake?? .... How can you??? How can you?? You are my best friend in fact the only friend I trusted?? I consider you to be..my brother" I bursted angrily.

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