2(ii).Bound to Marry

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Third point of view

Naomi's father was trying to tell her that she should behave but she ignored him anyway...

She is now sitting in front of Nicholas. He is drinking tea in her study....

He looks really intimidating and he have well shaved beard and he looks too professional and she looked so under dressed today....

And to be honest she under dressed intentionally, she wanted him to reject her... And she was

behaving all shy and introvert because as per her information he don't like girls like this....

But but!!!! Her efforts are in vain coz he will marry her anyway and that to within one month...

Is she ready??

BTW why is he even ready to marry?? He wasn't ready to settle according to the interview last year...


As if he read her mind he answered .

"See Naomi, I want to make things clear before u grow any expectations"

She looked up completely confused because he is saying it in arrogant tone....

And he continued "I am not a kind of a person who will settle down so soon. I am just 29 as U know. "

Okay than don't marry, get out man!! She thought

"Why? " She asked instead..

"What? " He answered confused.

"I meant than, why are you agreeing to get married? " She replied

"Because this is what my father want.. " He shrugged and reply..

Although she said she hate love and marriage but deep down she always wanted someone to love

her truly so this made her disappointed..

Her disappointment turned into anger because she can see her entire life in front of her eyes....

Misery misery and misery.....

And who is the reason ??

Her father!!

Before she could say anything he said something that made her speechless.

"Actually I cannot love you, not because there is anything wrong about you but the reason is I

don't like emotional shit. I love my work...and you are not my type either..i am not saying it to

disrespect you but I am making things clear....i will not able to spend time and do things what a

husband supposed to do.. And as you know I am not a one woman man either "

He continued

speaking thinking that Naomi will reject him after hearing this instead but little did he know that

she is bound to marry him..

Before he could say anything she Interrupt him " See Nicholas I don't expect you to love me, and I don't believe in love at first sight either.... And to be honest I thought.
even though I

might not love you I will at least try to have better relation with you and we can at least try to be friends...... But the way you are reasoning and in the tone you are saying this is not right......

I understand you are rich and you are famous ..you are accustomed to women who desperately

want you but I cannot help it...... "She replied in a cold tone.

" Tell me whether you want this marriage or not, I am not interested about any other details.. "She looked up and stare right into his blue eyes....

He couldn't help but blurt out

" Don't you think you are desperate to marry me?? Reject it if you are not interested " He tried to

convince her to reject her but failed miserably when she said...

"I can't, if it was possible to reject you I wouldn't have met u in the first place" She laughed

sarcastically but sadness in her eyes visible...

"I cannot reject this marriage either, it's my father wish..... " He told her after he realized both of

them are bound to marry each other..

She looked at him and he looked down and said the thing she wasn't expecting... "My father have cancer... He is week and I don't know whether he will survive a year or not.... " He looked up and stared at those brown concerned eyes of her, he didn't thought she will look so


To hide his emotion and to not show his pain or vulnerable side of his, he straighten up ....
"So I want to fulfill his last wish, and so I have to marry you... "

"What do you say??will you??" He asked

"Yes" She replied.


Would you agree to such marriage?

Thank you so much for reading ❤

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