27.She Imprinted on my soul

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Olivia and lucas above ^^^


"You wear it Nick!!" Naomi screamed while throwing the body suit i brought for her to my face..

"If I would have fit in, I wouldn't mind wearing it Nam" I laughed making her angrier...

Trust me she looks the cutest when she is angry...

"Don't laugh you pig!!! You know I don't like showing my body!!" She said glaring at me...

I laughed more on her ability to scold me.....

"It will look good on you trust me, and also what can i get in the last moment" I announced

She groaned "ughhh!!!! I shouldn't have agreed to come with you... Now go out I am not wearing it in front of you "

"Don't behave like I haven't seen you like that" I blurt out and regret immediately... Because not only her cheeks turned like tomato, I started blushing too..

"I.. I.. I think I should go " I left immediately...

Phew!!! That was close...

If you are wondering where we are, We are in a beach... It isn't a beach season and that's what make it more fun....

Very few people visit this time, beach is almost empty.... No croud, no paparazzi....... You can enjoy the view peacefully...

It was tough, it was really tough to convince Naomi to come out with us.. Lucas assured her that their will be very less people and no one will recognise her...

"Hey bro are you coming??" Lucas said hitting my shoulder...

"Yes I will, I am waiting for Naomi" I told him while scrolling through my mails...

"I still cannot believe that you are Married to Rose!! I mean you said your wife is sweet, innocent soul... Always smiling and cannot even retort back properly.... But you know how Rose's image is?" He said still surprised..

Even I still cannot believe it.... I mean Naomi have two opposite personality.. Which one is real I don't know....

But one thing I can say she is best in her own possible way...

"Yeah, my judgement are proved wrong " I replied..

"By the way you both seems too close and too comfortable with each other... I mean you always said you don't have anything for her ,she is not even your type ... But the look in both of your eyes says otherwise" He stated with a smirk..

Nah not possible!! Or is it?? No no that's not possible!!!!!

"Don't talk shit lucas" I glared...
He raised his both hand as surrender..

"So do you like that Betty girl?? You both made a quite a few appearance together?? " He asked..

"No.. Nothing like that... It's just casual.... You know.. We all need it " I immediately said... No way I am looking for relationship..

"You know what Nick I think you need to sort your shit before its too late.... It's about time when you will not get to choose anything..." He said..

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