5.He is returning today

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2 month later

I am currently sitting in the study room working on a case. I never thought my life will change into such an extent.

Mr Dawson is staying in this mansion now, and it's a great news. He is recovering well. Doctor said it to be a Miracle. But dad(that's what Mr Dawson asked me to call him) says it's because of me. He always says that I make this dead mansion a warm home. Although I don't agree but I am glad that he is happy now.

He always try to take care of me or try to cheer me up.. Unlike my father he is understanding. I really love him. I feel happy when I talk to him.

Nicholas is in New York since last 2 month. He immediately left after our marriage. He did visit his dad in hospital and we just shared a few glances. We didn't really talk.

He asked his secretary to give me his credit card which I refused to take... I already told I don't need his money!!....

Whenever I had to know about his health and whatever ,all I did is called his secretary and asked.. But the funny part is I didn't had to ask much coz he is in news frequently....

In last two month he got few titles, he extended his hotel businesses... He also opend a luxury Pub and etc....
Not only this he was in news because he was caught with few models .. In few pictures they seemed really close.... Like close close...

The headlines were like "Is this A affair??? , What will be the reaction of Mrs Dawson?? "
Ohhhh Mrs Dawson doesn't care what he does...

BTW even after I tried to keep my marrige a secret one of the photo got leaked.. Although my face was not so clear due to veil but now everyone knows Nicholas is married...

But does this stop those women to get clingy??? No!! They don't have self respect I guess.. Or may be my so called husband told them he doesn't care about me......

Everyone saw those news about him. Ethan and Roni was upset and angry but they didn't do anything coz I agreed to these things.

My father didn't called me for first few news, but when he called he accused me that I am incapable and I am responsible for this.... Funny right??

Mr Dawson don't know anything about it coz I hide the news paper before he could see. I also asked all the workers to keep their mouth shut about this... I don't want Mr Dawson to get sick because of his son....

Except all this I am living my life. I continued my work as a lawyer. I spend more time with Dad(Mr Dawson)... I decorated a place near the garden. This place is our most favorite to spend time.

The place ^^

We also visited the cancer hospitals, old age homes and also orphanages.. Dad was really happy. We even called few kids in our mansion to spend time..

But u know ,whenever I sit alone I feel a void , an emptiness. Sometimes I asked myself whether I am actually happy or not...
Although I agreed to do this and didn't want a romantic relationship but deep down I know I am scared...

Scared to love someone, scared to get hurt again....

I didn't want to get married because I have seen my family, I have seen how my mother and my aunt was treated.....and How I was treated before.

But I do deserve to be loved right??? I hope my decision doesn't backfire on me...

Mr Dawson(Dad)

If you think I am naive and I don't know what my son is doing than you are wrong.
I have my sources to know about his whereabouts.

My daughter in law is the kindest person I ever known. I know a lot of things about her. Although she hide all papers so that I couldn't read those news about my son but I still know everything.

She cares about me as well as my son. She will deny it but she do care about him. She always asked his secretary about his health and stuffs and asked her not to tell him.

I always try to cheer her up but I know I cannot fill the gap she is missing...

My Son is an idiot . He thinks everyone is like his ex. I agree that it was his first relationship and he was so in love, but even after 4 years of relationship that women left him saying he is emotionless, unexpressive... .

I don't question her either coz she wasn't perfect for him. She didn't understand him. And everyone is not meant for each other. My son experienced a lot of pain. He do care about things but he fails to express. And now he turned into a cold hearted person and he believes emotions makes him weak...

And so I wanted Niomi as my daughter in law. She is fun loving, carefree and funny... She can bring smile to anyone's face..... Even if anyone want to avoid her, no one will ever able to that....
She has past too but you won't understand it until and unless you are close to her...

I hope I have taken a right decision...

I know what I did was selfish but what do expect from a dying father who wants his son to learn
to be happy again.

"Sir, he is returning today" One of the workers informed me..

I know they are completely different and don't even love each other... But I hope they will gradually fall for each other.



I am returning today after 2 months. I didn't talk to Naomi, just shared few glances when I visited Dad.

I send her my credit card but she returned it.. She is my responsibility now but she doesn't take my help..... I don't understand this women...

My father is recovering I heard it from my secretary and that to told by my wife. We don't talk directly...

She didn't even bother to ask me about the rumours and scandals in newspaper ...

May be she actually doesn't care about me...

Why will she!!!....

It's good she is following all the rules of contract...

My father is happy now and that actually made me happy after years... I talked to the doctors and they say that the credit goes to Niomi. She actually take care of him a lot , like her own father....

She is nice unlike I thought about her. However she behave nonchalantly with me, she actually take care of my father selflessly.


What the fuck!! Why I am suddenly thinking like this...

I am inside  my jet now. I am returning home today.... But I won't stay for long, only a week I guess.


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