38.Get out of here!!

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The pang I am feeling inside my heart is unbearable. I hate this feeling . I protected my heart for so long, just to get ripped apart again.

Was I overthinking and misreading?

But she just let me touch her!!
Or was it normal for her??

Ughh!! The ache is returning. It feels like someone is squeezing it... I definitely a fool to get involved in this shit again... I shouldn't have let my guards down...

I shouldn't have.

I really loved her though,
Breaking all the walls around my heart I let her see all my misery.

It will be selfish to force her into something she never wanted..
After all her heart never belonged to me..

But it still hurts, it hurts to see her happy with someone else who isn't me. It enrages me ,make my blood boil to see him touch her what I thought belonged to me.

I am still comforting me saying that she is still my friend and I cannot just react like that. I promised her to be their for her. I am her friend.

Holding my emotions inside me is really difficult for me. I just can't switch off all my emotions like I used to...

God played me well again...

My thoughts are interrupted by a ping on my laptop, and see a mail popped up from an unknown source...
And reluctantly I opened the mail and i froze immediately.

I couldn't believe my eyes. My rationality is getting faded away with the anger boiling inside me....

Whatever I said to calm my heart isn't working anymore....
I closed my eyes, how could she??

She isn't mine, never was and never will be....

But the picture still enrages me to an extent where I might take a drastic step which I will regret later...



Naomi enter the house after the work.. She decided to clear everything. She decided to speak her heart out although deep down she knew this relationship was never supposed to work out...

But last night she come to the conclusion that it is today or never.
Throughout the day she was engrossed in her own thought. If this confession don't work properly what will she do??

'No worries' she thought... She will anyway leave this place in few days...
She was so lost in thought she didn't realise the mansion is too quiet and dark to be true...
She enters her bedroom.
And that's when she felt someone looking at her..

"You are back!! " She heard Nicholas's voice.. But to her surprise he sounds too cold and emotionless..

"Y.. Yeah... Why are you sitting on the dark?? " She laughed nervously but little did she know she is infuriating him more..
Her nervous and confuse laugh seemed like a mockery to Nick...

She switch on the light to find their bedroom is a complete mess.. Things are on ground.. She froze in her place to see nicholas sitting with a messy hair, loosened tie, shirt Untugged... His eyes red...

Tainted Love (Completed✔️) Where stories live. Discover now