14.My house (part 1)

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I was so tensed, I was so fucking frustrated I don't know what was happening to me.

Throughout the plane journey I couldn't concentrate in a single thing.. Reason you may ask... Naomi!! Who else...

She was not taking my calls, and now May was refusing my calls too.. Whom should I ask whether she is okay or not!!

This women is insufferable.. I will never able to understand her... How can a person be so stupid to not go to a doctor.. And also how dare she is to not take my calls....

You are being too protective!!

I know I am, and i dont know the reason... That night when I saw the vulnerable side of Naomi something stir inside me......

I couldn't even fu** anyone since that day , Betty is sitting beside, kissing my neck but trust me those plump lips couldn't distract me from Naomi....

Is she okay??Did anything happened after that night...??Did she get anymore Nightmare??Did she eat anything?? My mind is filled with so many questions....

Betty was little pissed due to my change in attitude but i couldn't care less....

As soon as my jet land I hold Betty's hand to to walk fast to my car so that i can reach home early...

My secretary told me few days ago that my father is meeting his friends and so i suppose he is not at home...

I drop Betty at her apartment... And then went to my house, I ran towards my room to see how is she doing..

But my steps halter when I saw a handsome man sitting in the floor holding my wife ankle, and Naomi telling him 'I love you'..

My blood started boiling.. Here I was so fucking concerned about her conditions... And she is giggling with her boyfriend.....

why are you getting angry?? My brain mocked...

I cleared my throat, to see Naomi looked at me shocked... She should be as she is fucking someone on my bed!! How dare she....

I don't care who she fuck but not in my room and thats what making me angry....

Are you sure you are angry because of this???

Naomi tried to stand up but fell in bed due to the pain, I moved forward to help but her boyfriend already hold her by her waist to support her....

Isn't she the person who was saying she hate love and all.. Such a liar!!..

I walked to her Secret Boyfriend.. Standing tall... He is really handsome with green eyes and brown hair.. He is 2 or 3 inch shorter than me... He is looking at me scared little bit..

Yes!!! I love when people get scared of me..

"Hello Mr.. " I raise my hand for a shake.... Naomi is still looking at me confused..

"Peter" Her boyfriend replied...

"Yes Peter, nice to meet you but it's time for you to leave" I give a fake smile..

And he nod , yes he got the secret message that is 'fuck off before I kill you'

"Meet you soon flower, and take care." Peter winked at my wife.... Look at his audacity.... I clenched my fist to control my anger.... The anger I don't know from where its coming..

"Bye Mr Dawson, nice to meet you too" He left and I turned to look at my not so innocent wife...


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