9. Am I that bad??

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"This world is ruthless,
Everyday they kill an innocent soul
And force them to turn into someone they are not... "



"Okay" I replied although I want to throw this phone outside..

"Try to do something Naomi before he replaces you..... Why can't you dress properly and be presentable? " Father shouted for the nth number of time..

"Hmm, I will try" I replied

"Nicholas doesn't have a fault, I know those are fake news but look at the headlines!!!!!...... I don't blame him coz I know my daughter is not presentable enough"

"Hmmm" I really don't know what should I say...

My father is been giving me lecture  since one hour... The reason you ask??


After I returned home I took a small nap in the afternoon.. And I woke up after 5pm .... But little did I know My husband will do something for which I am to be blamed...

Throughout the social media and news , I can only see my husband picture with a black haired girl coming out of their office....

His hand is in her small waist and he looks unbothered by the camera clicking pictures and the girl looks so happy...
Why will she not be happy, after all she is getting all the attention from The Nicholas Dawson! !!!
But I don't blame her coz its Nicholas who should be blamed, he don't care about me and my feelings.....

He cannot even stay away from his habbits for one fucking day!!!
He need someone hanging from his waist just after I left his office!!.

"Are you listening?? " My father shouted...

"Enough father, enough!!!! Why are you scolding me??? It's not my fault if Nicholas is going out with someone...... Is it??? You should have checked his background before giving my hands to him!!!!!!....... " I shouted back, it's uncontrollable now...

"Don't be ridiculous, he is a nice person...... He is rich, he is settled what else do u need?? " He continued "although I should not say this but Men have needs, they cannot just sit because their partner is incapab-"

"Enough fatherrr!!!!! Do you hear yourself????? ...... You are taking side of the stranger when you should have taken care of your own daughter..... AM I THAT BAD???? " he got silenced after my outburst...

But I guess he actually don't care about me..... Because he said immediately " Don't behave like a spoiled child.. Do your wife's duty seriously and try to hold Nicholas before it's too late" He ended the call before I could say anything else...

I am sitting outside my room now , it's preety cold here but it is not affecting as it should have......
My Heart had broken a long time back, although I try to mend it by enjoying the positive side of my life but My broken heart always breaks into more million pieces.....

Although I didn't wanted to get married but it's the best thing happened in my life  till date.... After all I am out of my own house!!!!

I love this place , I love everyone including all the workers .. They have turned into my own family.... How can I forget Mr Dawson I mean dad, he takes care of me like his own daughter.....

As I told you before I stopped showing my happy side to everyone.. I am very professional in my workplace and that's the story to tell later.... Anyway what I was saying is I enjoy staying here...

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