18.Is she your Girlfriend?

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"Why did you agreed to get married with me?? You deserve better" He asked..

The question I am trying to avoid, the question the answer of which I don't know, question which will prove I am insane... The answer of this question will raise more question which I don't want to answer.... Is the only thing he had to ask out of everything...

Should I answer him?? No I should not share my personal things with him...

So i decided to question something else which will divert his question...

"You tell me, that Black hair beauty.. What's her name.... Umhh yeahh Betty I guess..... Is she your girl friend?? " I smiled and wiggled my eyes....

Although I still feel little upset after what he said but i need to pretend to be normal and not show my emotions...

He let out over exaggerated laugh as if I said a joke....

"Girl....girlfriend....are you serious " He is still laughing shaking his head...

I rolled my eyes although I like it when he smile and laugh "yes, why will i not be serious, I mean you have been seen with her so many times even few days back "... Do i care about who he date?? I don't think so.. Does it bother my reputation??not really.... Than why am I asking?? I don't know...

" I told you Naomi I don't do relationship and emotional shit, she is an old friend and now she is one of the brand ambassador of my
company "he replied sweeping his tears ..

" Ohhhh, she looks damn good.. You both look pretty together and you know she is your type" Okay I shouldn't have said this, what the fuck is type?! We are not a thing we are human we will not have a type... But yes qualities and personality differs..

"She is my type actually, but she is not ready to commit into a relationship like me, so we do casuals "... Hmmm casuals, one night stand, multiple night stand.... How people do this and not catch feelings....??? May be one of them have feelings but dont confront it...

" So if one day she is ready to commit into a relationship, will you consider her" ... I thought it won't hurt me if I say but my heart hurts suddenly and making it pound so hard.... I am not jealous trust me....

May be I want to feel the "feel of love"!!
May be I just want someone to take care of me, may be I need little bit of warmth...
And I am definitely a fool to overthink about the fake warmth and compassion given by the person sitting in front of me ..

"May be yes, May be not " He winked.... Shit I felt a pang inside my heart again...

Shit, shit shit..... Peter was right I have issues... I need to control my emotion..
Control Naomi control.....

I nod my head and smiled and get up to set the bed.....

"Will you go to the doctor tomorrow?? ... If you are not okay I can call doctor in my house..." His house obviously... But you see this!!! This fake caring this always hit my weak spot.. ..

You are too emotional, you have a really weak heart and you let in people easily ... You will be dead because of this one day!!!
  Said by none other than my best friend Roni...

May be this is my weakness and i need to treat this... ..

"Are you listening?? " He asked, when he didn't get any reply..

"No I am fine, you don't have to" And He sighs giving up..


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