36.Why me? **

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I am not a smut writer, I never wrote one... Sorry if their is any mistake...
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When I opened my eyes I found myself hugging Naomi's waist..

She didn't left me..

I moved a bit to look at her face, it's been so long since I looked at her from this close...
I kept staring at my beautiful wife, I cannot thank God enough for this.. I feel like I got another chance to fall in love...

I love you Naomi

This three easy word I want to tell her so much, but i am so afraid that she won't reciprocate back my feelings....
But i am tired of considering it to be just friendship.... I cannot lie to myself anymore when I know I certainly falling in love with her...

I automatically caress her face with my thumb when I saw her moving, but i cannot move myself from the place. I kept staring at her and that when she opens her eyes and her eyes widen looking at me...

I couldn't control myself anymore so i hold her face and kissed her, but my heart breaks when I find her not kissing me back...

"Why are you not kissing me back?" Stupid question Nick!!!

I looked at her eyes one more time and i started moving myself from her..

How can i be so stupid, will this destroy everything now? .. No no I can't loo-

my thoughts got interrupted when she hold my face and pushed herself to me and kissed me passionately..

God!!that ignite some strange feelings inside me,what I am experiencing.. I... I cannot express it... The warmth I felt inside my body just due to this simple kiss is indescribable...

I pulled her to my lap and hold her head with my one hand and deepen the kiss, she is kissing me like a hungry lioness, fast and harsh...

It suddenly feels like she is equally hungry like I am... But I don't know Whether it is due to the sudden lust or is she feels the same for me like I feel for her.

My all sense got clouded when I felt her soft lips sucking my bottom lip, I stoped thinking and started concentrating on the beauty I am holding right now..

I pushed her lightly to the bed and hold her throat and now I started kissing her with the passion I feel for her. It soon turned into punishing kiss,harsh. I bite her lips suck it and again repeat the same. She should understand how she made me feel this few days, how her distant behavior cause pain inside me..

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