13.I missed him..

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Naomi(in the bedroom)

"Thank you so much for coming" I smiled

"Naomi don't be ridiculous, you know I will always be their for you" My assistant Peter replied..

"But still Peter, I would have went to my office if I didn't hurt my ankle " I smiled sheepishly.....

Everyone knows I am a mess and clumsy human being...

"I really wonder how you maintain the seriousness in your office or when you are in the court... Trust me Naomi if I didn't know you personally I wouldn't have recognised you in your work" Petar started laughing as it's a funny joke he told me..

But he is right, when I am in my work I am the most serious person you can ever see... Cold, savage and sexy Naomi !! Hahaha

"Can we talk about business now please" I asked Peter who is supposed to give me the information about the case I am working...

The case which is messing with my head, case which is not allowing me to sleep, case which is the reason I was distracted and hurt my ankle..

"Naomi, as per the secret investigation I am doing I observed a connection... And I am happy to say that you were right through out " He replied and I nod to let him continue..

He took out his note pad and started reading the things he have found..

"Mr Liam vs the workers Union, Mr Adam vs Miss Carley and other cases you faught all are connected with a thread....all the plaintiff were w-"

"Workers, labours " I completed the sentence..

"Yes absolutely, According to Mr kaden head of the workers Union , Mr Liam is making them work extra hours, but they were not paid properly... But but -" I interrupted Peter.

"They don't know what they are actually carrying on those big boxes, and they also don't know about the Actual boss as it's not written any where except they heard the Name Mr Serrano in their work space Right?? " I asked... And he nod is head....

"And the suspicious part is we easily won the case... Liam easily agreed to give them extra money.... Can it be a trick to avoid more interrogation?? " Peter asked me..

"May be and in the case where Miss Carley accused Mr Adam of being a part of secret association and he forced Carley to be a part of it..... And when she refused he throw miss Carley out of the office and didn't paid her the salary..... Although firing someone of the job and not giving salary sounds a petty case but we cannot ignore the fact 'secret association' and that We cannot find Miss Carley after we won the case "I replied..

"And i asked Miss Carley personally whether she heard anything on her work space and you know she told me a name and you know who is it!!? "

"Mr Serrano" We both replied in Union..

"So according to my secret investigation, all the cases you fought in the last few month all are somehow connected to this man... And we cannot find Carley and kaden after that"

"And.. And-" Peter suddenly looked scared..

"What Peter, tell me" I urge him to continue..

"Um.. Naomi I think this Mr Serrano knows that you are trying to find him.. But the terrifying part is he is not covering his track..... I think he deliberately allowing us to know things about him.... He is really scary man and dangerous.. I will suggest you to dr-"

"I won't drop this case, you know.... " I looked at him " You know 5 month ago our friend died, and you know now who is connected to it "

"Okay okay but please be careful" He requested holding my hand...

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