12.Ptotective towards her (part 2)

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"The warmth I feel
When I am with you ...
I cannot even describe it...
You don't know how much I craved that,
Until I met you "


Third point of view

At 5:30 am

Their legs entangled with each other,Nicholas holding her tightly as if the moment he will leave her this moment will end and will never come...

His both the hand wrapping her in his tight warm embrace....

Naomi's whole body is literally on the body of Nicholas, her one hand resting on his chest....

(Refer last chapters photo)

Both of their face was in very close proximity......their breathing sinking with each other...

But the question is will this happen if both of them were awake???

And thats when suddenly Nicholas eyes opened with shock.... ... Realisation dawning on him....

He looked down to see the way both of them are sleeping, although it felt good but this shouldn't have happened... What if Naomi woke up, what will he say to her. He cannot tell her what happened last night and also he cannot give her hope.....

'It's not right, I should not get attached to her, whatever happened shouldn't have happened.. I can't get soft towards her....' He thought

~veronicas word ringing in his mind..

He just wake up from a dream where everyone is leaving him, breaking his heart once again.....

He again looked down to see his little monkey sleeping peacefully in his warm embrace....

But this can't happen, he tried to to remove her ,but she is holding her tightly so he decided to replace him with a pillow...

He moved out of the bed, Naomi snuggle and cuddling the pillow...

He is looking at her sleeping body, he smiled looking at her but as soon as he realise things aren't happening according to the plan.... He took his phone out...

"Hello sir, is everything okay" Joshua his secretary asked..

No nothing is okay, my brain is not working..... He thought to himself

"Can you please arrange my flight to New York as early as possible " He replied

"Sir, is everything okay?? " Joshua again inquired

"No, I just need to leave as soon as possible, and do what is asked... Please don't ask questions " He strictly replied this time..

"S.. Sorry sir, I am messaging you every details as soon as possible "he ended the call..

He went to bathroom to see sleeping pills beside the sink....
Did she took it yesterday ???he thought...

May be this is the reason she didn't woke up a single time... And she is still in deep sleep he thought again

He sighed, looking at the sleeping women for the last time... Before leaving the room...

Present day*

I left my house at 7 am that day  I didn't even said goodbye to anyone....

But a strange thing happened this time... Naomi like last time didn't call my secretary to know about my whereabout in this 15days......

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