*Author's Note*

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Hey, everyone!

Every time I log in to this Wattpad account I am stunned at the views this story has gotten. Years have gone by and this story is still gaining attention. I thank you all very much for the support.

I do want to say I know there are some large holes and confusing parts to this story that are never really explained. I was a young teenager when I wrote this book and I was truly just writing whatever came to my mind, not really giving it all too much thought. I do apologize for the plot holes and confusion that have appeared throughout the novel.

However, I had a BLAST writing this book and to those who enjoyed it and didn't take it too seriously, I thank you!

Hopefully this fun little novel from years ago lifts up your spirits and takes you away into the world of Duff Mckagan, making you forget your troubles...


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