No More Seduction

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I opened the front door of my house and didn't even bother turning on the lights. I knew they'd be off for a while.

Duff came in right behind me and I closed the door behind him.

I saw him looking at me in the dark, the only light source being the slight moonlight shining through the windows.

I was ready for him to then grab my face and start kissing me passionatley and our hands to be exploring each other's bodies and just... the feeling of lust.

But he didn't do that. He walked up to me slowly and very carefully and gently put his hand on my cheek and caressed me.

"Let me just tell you something," he said.

"What?" I whispered.

"Never mind," he shook his head as he then grabbed my face and kissed me passionatley.

Just as I imagined it would happen.

But, what was he going to tell me? Why didn't he say it?

"So, what is it now?" he asked as he pinned me roughly against a wall, taking off my shirt.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Why are you letting me kiss you now?" he asked.

"There's just something about you performing... it's so... hot," I breathed in his ear.

"Good enough," he smiled, successfully taking off my shirt, grabbing my face again, pinning me even harder against the wall.

I started to pull on his hair as his kissing got sexier. He was holding onto me so tightly... almost as if he didn't want to let go.

"Shall we let this continue in the bedroom?" Duff asked me, going on to my favorite thing, neck kissing.

"No, we shall not. It's not a good idea," I replied.

"Come on," he urged, whispering in my ear which made my whole body get chills, "let me see all of you again."

"No!" I exclaimed, pushing him away rather roughly.

"Fine," he immediatley surrendered, throwing his hands up, "I give up trying."

"Good," I said, my voice cracking.

"You obviously would rather kill yourself then let yourself like me, so I get it. I'll leave you alone," he said seriously as he ran up the stairs.

I was left there alone with nothing but my thoughts.

Maybe it was a good thing that he was going to stop seducing me so I can somehow stop fighting the urge of wanting him and potientally now not wanting him at all.

Which we all know won't happen.

Fuck, did I make a mistake? Should I chase after him now?

I shook it off and quietly went upstairs to my bedroom to sleep it off.

I woke up and instantly heard those loud voices downstairs. Yup, all of the boys are here.

I smiled to myself and quickly jumped into the shower to get myself ready.

I ws all made up and ready and went downstairs. The first person I locked eyes with was obviously Duff and I just looked away.

"Jennaaa!" Steven yelled, not looking too well for some reason.

"Yesss?" I questioned, starting to observe him a bit more.

"Thanks for letting us all come back. You're the best," he laughed, his glossy eyes looking like they are going to roll in the back of his head.

"You're welcome... hey, Steve, do you need some water or anything?" I asked him, starting to get concerned.

"No," he simply answered.

I looked over at the rest of the boys and none of them were looking at Steven or I. They all were looking down which seemed strange.

"Slash?" I called, making him look up at me, "can you meet me in the kitchen for a second?"

He took a deep breath and slowly got up and walked to the kitchen.

I followed him and he took a seat at the counter, a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

"What's up with Steven? He doesn't seem right," I asked.

"Well, that's because he's on heroin," Slash simply responded.

"What?! He is?!" I yelled.

"Yes, Jenna. Come on, you don't think the only thing we do is drink and smoke a little weed, right?"

"Well, I don't know what the fuck you guys do, but heroin is not to be messed with," I said.

"Don't knock it 'til you try it," Slash smirked, drinking his whiskey.

"No thanks. I have no desire to ever try it. Now stop drinking whiskey the second you open your eyes," I said sternly, stealing this whiskey from his hand.

"Come on, Jenna, stop. You know there's no controlling us," he said.

"You're all acting self-destructive," I barked back.

"Well, let us," he shrugged, "it's our decision."

"So you don't care about Steven at all? You don't care that he's fucking injecting heroin into his veins?" I questioned, starting to get angry.

"Of course I care, Jenna. Steven's my buddy. But sometimes there's just nothing you can do. And in this case, there is nothing you can do," Slash told me.

"Whatever," I shook my head angrily, slamming his whiskey hardly onto the counter, causing some to spill out, "enjoy your fuckin' whiskey."

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