Highway Drivin'

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Duff pushed me against the wet shower wall and started kissing my neck. The water was scorching hot running down our skin, causing us to turn bright red.

"It's too hot," I winced.

"I want it that way," he said back, going to my lips now.

We kissed intensely and he started to rub my whole wet body down which instantly got me turned on.

"I can't," I breathed, knowing if I continued I'd do something I'd end up regretting. Again.

"Come on," he begged, holding me tightly.

"No. And the dishes aren't even finished," I stupidly said, quickly washing the soap out of my hair, drying myself off, running back downstairs.

"You had to do that?" a voice asked me as I was finishing up the dishes.

I turned around and saw Duff standing there and I rolled my eyes, turning back to the sink again.

"You get me goin' and you just leave me like that? Not cool."

"Get over it, Duff," I barked.

"What are you doing to me, man?" he asked.

"What are you talking about?" I huffed in annoyance.

"You act like you want me but then you act like you hate me," he said.

I didn't say anything and just stared straight ahead of me.

"Just tell me what you want from me," he said seriously.

"Nothing. I want nothing," I replied.

"Well, we all need your car tonight. We all are gonna take a quick trip," he randomly told me.

"Sounded like you just demanded me. You didn't even ask," I somewhat teased.

"Well, honey, I'm askin' now."

"Whatever. Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

I then turned around to look at him and saw he already disappeared.

I took a deep breath and then finished the last of the dishes.

The day went by quickly. It was 8 p.m. already and I didn't see or talk to anyone today. I was just in my room.

"Jen, you ready?" someone asked, knocking on my door.

"Yeah," I called back, heading to the door, opening it.

I then saw Anna looking at me with a smile and I smiled back.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Lord knows," she shrugged.

I chuckled and put my arm around Anna, as we happily trotted down the stairs to meet with the boys.

"You ladies ready?" Slash asked, standing up, heading straight to Anna, wrapping his arm around her as I took mine off.

"We're ready," she smiled back, putting her arm around his waist.

"Who's driving?" I asked, grabbing my keys.

"Me," Axl smirked, holding his palm out for me to throw the keys to him.

I threw them to him and we all followed him out the door.

Luckily my car is big so it will, somehow, maybe, fit us all.

Axl got straight into the driver's seat, Steven accompanying him to the passenger side, and Anna, Izzy, Slash, Duff, and I attempting to all pile in the backseats.

Somehow we did so, but I was so close to Duff and Anna that our thighs were all completley smushed together.

"You all ready?" Axl asked, adjusting his backwards snapback, sticking a cigarette in his mouth.

"Let's hit it," Steven beamed happily.

Axl nodded, starting the car, reversing out of my driveway.

We were driving for about 15 minutes already and it was pretty quiet for some reason.

I then noticed Axl turned onto a highway, a different one then the one Duff went on earlier today.

"Hold on tight," Axl's deep voice instructed us as he threw his cigarette out the window.

I looked at Anna and she raised her eyebrows at me and suddenly the whole car went soaring into the night.

"Axl, man, slow down!" Steven screamed, grabbing on for his dear life.

Axl didn't slow down, in fact he went faster, and turned on the radio.

The famous intro for For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica then went blaring through the speakers and I couldn't help but to grin.

"Open your windows, ladies and gentlemen!" Axl exclaimed to us.

I looked at Duff and he slightly smiled as he rolled down his window. Steven and Izzy also rolled down their windows and my car suddenly sounded like a Metallica concert on wheels.

I looked around at all the blinding lights in the night and I couldn't help but to feel joy.

Duff then pretended to jam out on guitar and I laughed at him pretending to be Kirk Hammett.

"METALLICCCAAA!" Axl screamed to the car next to us.

The old man looked at us in horror as he sped away.

"Yo, Axl, give me a cig!" Duff yelled to Axl over the blasting music.

Axl threw the pack of cigarettes at Duff and he took two out, handing me one.

"Want one?" Duff asked the rest of the backseat passengers.

Slash and Izzy both took one, but Anna declined.

Duff then threw Steven the pack and I put the cigarette in my mouth, Duff taking his lighter, lighting me up.

Duff then lit Izzy and Slash's cigs up, then lighting his own.

I stared at him intently as he blew out a cloud of smoke and he looked down at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, maem?" he asked with a chuckle.

I then took a large inhale of my cigarette and didn't take my eyes off of Duff.

"Do you need something?" he asked, now visably becoming uncomfortable.

I smiled and put my hand on his knee and his facial expression immediatley changed.

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