The Chef's Special

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We all finished our champange, no shocker there, and our waitress finished pouring some more for us.

"Hey, sorry to interupt, but I noticed that you're those Guns N' Roses guys, right?" some older, long haired rocker asked as he approached our booth.

"We are," Slash nodded.

"I catch your guys' shows at the bars sometimes," he said, "y'all are pretty decent. I like your stuff."

"Thanks, man," Duff nodded.

"I just wanted to swing by and tell y'all that. Also, if y'all end up stopping by the nightclub, I'd be happy to buy you all a round," he told us, "even these two lovely ladies."

"Sounds good, man," Steven replied.

"We'll take you up on your word," Axl chuckled.

"Sounds good. See you later," he said, giving us a nod, as he walked off.

"I think he just hit on all of us," Anna laughed.

"I think so too," Slash agreed with a chuckle.

"Look at you rockstars," I giggled.

"Getting hit on in fancy restaurants," Steven added.

I then felt Duff's gentle fingers start slowly stroking through my hair and it made me feel even more calm and relaxed. I felt at total peace, and I loved that feeling.

I'm scared I'm going to accidentally fall asleep on Duff's shoulder.

The waitress then came back with a huge tray and placed it on our table. We all stared intently as she opened it up and out revealed... some disgusting looking thing.

We all looked at Duff in horror and his face completely went blank.

"Enjoy," our waitress smiled to us as she pranced off.

"What the fuck is this garbage?" Axl immediatley asked.

"This looks like shit. Actual shit," Slash remarked.

"What the fuck did you order for us, Duff?" Izzy rudely questioned.

"I saw some reviews in the paper that the Chef's Special here is amazing," Duff said clearly confused, "I don't know what the fuck this shit is."

"I'm going to vomit if I look at it for another second," Anna said, jerking her head the other direction, already looking green in the face.

"You royally fucked us over," I whispered to him.

"I did," Duff nodded, pressing his lips together.

"Get that... thing... away from us," Anna cringed.

"Excuse me?!" Duff called to our waitress as she walked by.

She stopped in her tracks and backed up and smiled that fake smile at all of us.

"Yes?" she questioned.

"We don't want this. I don't even know what the hell it is," Duff barked.

"Sir, that is the Chef's Special, which is what you requested," she said back.

"I didn't expect a pile of garbage to be delievered," he snapped.

"Sir, there's nothing I can do. You ordered this meal," she said.

"Let me speak with your manager," Duff demanded.

The girl then started to look nervous and she bit her lips and nodded slowly.

"Right away, Sir," she nodded, walking away quickly.

"She seems sketchy," Slash commented.

"She also seems familar. Can't wrap my finger on it though," Izzy said.

She then came back with the manager and the manager stared at our dish in shock.

"What is that?!" he yelled.

The waitress now looked extremely nervous and she bit her lips so hard they looked like they were going to bleed.

"And what did you order?" the manager asked us.

"The Chef's Special," Duff answered.

"That is definitely not the Chef's Special," he said.

We all exchanged looks and the waitress tried to tip-toe herself away but the manager stopped her.

"Brenna, do you have something to do with this?" he asked her.

"Brenna?!" Izzy screamed.

We all stared at him in confusion and he stared at the waitress in shock.

"You did this, didn't you? You gave us this garbage dish because of what happened between us!" Izzy yelled.

"And because you didn't recognize me! How could you not recognize me, Izzy Stradlin?! We almost got married last year!" she squealed, causing people to stare at all of us.

"And you ordered this much champagne?" the manager asked us, eyeing our glasses.

"No... she said it was complementary ten thousand dollar champange and kept pouring us glasses," Duff said.

"We don't serve complementary champagne..." the manager said, looking at Brenna.

"Oh my God. The bitch poisioned us," Anna gasped.

"Brenna, you're fired! Get out of here now and never come back!" the manager yelled at her.

Tears started to form in her eyes as she ran off.

"I'm so sorry about this. Your dinner is on the house tonight. Let me bring you the real Chef's Special," the manager said to us, taking away the garbage dish we had.

We all then looked at each other again, then focused our gaze on Izzy.

"What was that, Izz? Who was that bitch?" Axl asked him.

"One of my old groupies. She thinks we were really serious last year, but we weren't. I hardly even recognize her," Izzy answered.

"Well, she must really hate you," Anna said.

"Looks like it," Izzy shrugged.

"And a great happy birthday to you, Jen," Steven joked.

I chuckled and nodded.

"Garbage dish birthday bash," I said back.

"Hopefully the actual Chef's Special is more appetizing," Axl commented.

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