Smokin' in the Backyard

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Anna and I made it downstairs and saw tons of people already here.

I spotted Duff and immediatley walked up to him angrily.

"Why is there so many fucking people here?" I barked.

"It's a party, babe. I already told you," he responded to me, clearly already wasted off of his ass.

"Duff, you're already hammered. This was a horrible idea. I can't believe I let you do this," I shook my head in disappointment.

"Well, you look hella good," he flirted, attempting to caress my face but I slapped his hand away before he could do so.

"Jenna, who's this?" Anna came up next to me, raising her eyebrows, looking up at Duff.

"I'm her dirty rockstar boyfriend," Duff drunkly said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh, are you?" Anna said, trying not to laugh.

"No. He's not," I said angrily, violently taking his arm off of me.

"Careful, Jenna," Anna whispered to me, indicating I was being too harsh.

"Duff, get these people out of here before something bad happens," I sighed.

I then heard a loud breaking noise.

I spoke too soon.

"But I want you to meet my band," he said, whistling people over.

I looked at Anna and she looked back up at me excitedly.

Four people then showed up next to Duff and they all looked like him. Like dirty rockstars.

"Hello there," the other blonde one said happily to us.

"Hi," Anna smiled back at him.

"That's Steven," Duff told me.

"And I'm Izzy," a burnette with straight hair told us.

"I'm Axl," the short ginger nodded at us, blowing out smoke from his cigarette.

There was then a long awkward pause as we waited for the mysterious curly head one to introduce himself. But it looks like he won't be speaking.

"That's Slash," Duff told us, "he's just trippin' on some heavy shit right now."

"Duff, how on earth is your whole band here? I thought you were staying here because you lost them on the road," I said sternly, crossing my arms.

"I don't really know. I guess we found each other," he shrugged.

"You drunken idiot," I muttered under my breath.

"Ouch," he said sarcastically back at me.

"So you can leave now? Since you found your band?" I asked.

"Oh, hell no," the short ginger one answered for him, "that can't happen."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked angrily.

"Don't ask questions," the mysterious curly haired one said, his voice raspy.

"You heard the man," Duff said to me, raising an eyebrow, "do you want a cig?"

"No, but I do want a joint," I said.

"One joint comin' right up," he smirked, walking away from all of us.

I looked back at the rest of the band and they all started separating.

"Go get him," I whispered to Anna, nodding to Slash who hasn't walked too far away from us.

"How? What do I say?" she asked nervously.

"You'll figure it out," I winked at her, shoving her to Slash.

Duff then came back up to me, a rolled joint in his hand, and smiled at me.

"Wanna go smoke this outside?" he asked me.

"Who's gonna watch the house?" I asked back.

"No one will do anything."

"You don't know that."

"These are nice people," he said.

"Whatever," I gave in to him again, heading to the backyard.

No one surprisngly was out there yet, so we took a seat at the table by the pool.

"You have a nice house," he told me.

"Thanks," I chuckled as I watched him pull a lighter out of his leather jacket.

He told me to open my mouth, so I did, and he put the joint in my mouth, lighting it.

I took a large hit and blew out a shit ton of smoke up in the air and took another small hit before handing it to Duff.

"It's a nice day out today," Duff said, after blowing his smoke out.

"Nice conversation starter," I teased with a laugh.

"Well, what else am I supposed to say? I'm really drunk right now and I'm about to get high too."


"If I spoke what was actually on my mind I'd get a good punch in the face."

"Tell me what's on your mind, Duff," I smiled.

"Are you sure?" he asked, passing the joint back to me.

"I'm sure," I nodded, taking a hit.

"I'm wildly attracted to you," he told me, messing with his hair, "and I just wanna sleep with you again."

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Not happening," I turned him down.

"Figured it was worth a shot," he chuckled with a shrug.

We finished smoking the joint and walked back inside the house, Duff now being totally fucked up and me being pretty fuckin' high.

"Jen, how are you?" Anna asked, coming up to me.

"High. And you?"

"I'm okay. I chickened out talking to Slash."

"Oh my God, Anna. You were the one who wanted this. Just go talk to him."

"It's not that easy."

"I'll show you how easy it is," I rolled my eyes, taking her by the hand, dragging her to Slash.

"Excuse me, Slash?" I asked politetly, causing him to turn around while gulping down his bottle of whiskey.

"Yeah?" he questioned, looking at the both of us.

"My friend Anna here wants to hookup with you. How do you feel about that?"

"Jen!" Anna exclaimed, slapping my arm.

"That's fine with me," he smiled, taking Anna under his arm.

"Have fun you two," I winked, walking away from them.

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