Washing Off

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After a few hands, and Duff just joining us, I didn't feel like playing anymore.

"I'm gonna go get a breath of fresh air," I said, exucsing myself from the table.

I went straight to my backyard and closed the glass door behind me.

I finished my cigarette and opened the gate to my pool and took my shoes off, putting only my feet in the water.

"Did you leave because I just came?" Duff asked, opening the gate to my pool as well, taking a seat next to me.

"No," I simply answered, "man, I can't get one second alone."

"I'll leave if you want," he said.

"Well, you're here now," I blushed, glancing up at him.

He smiled back at me and also took his shoes off, putting his feet in the water.

"I just wanna jump in," I breathed.

I then felt myself being pushed as my whole body crashed into the water.

I came up from under the water and glared at Duff as he was laughing.

I then pulled him into the water by his long legs and he also came up from under the water, glaring at me as well.

"Look at us. We're swimming," he chuckled.

I chuckled as well as he put his hands on my hips.

I then jumped up on him, wrapping my legs around his waist, being weightless.

"Look at you. You're like a koala," he teased.

"Koalas are adorable," I argued.

"I agree," he smiled, carrying me to the side of the pool.

He pressed me against the pool wall, my legs still wrapped around him, as he held onto them tightly.

He then kissed my lips slowly and sexily.

I happily kissed him back but this time the kiss wasn't as fast and crazy as we usually do. This one was slow and just felt really thought out and sexy, which I liked.

After about 4 minutes of kissing him, I pulled back to take a break.

"Why'd you stop?" he whispered, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"To breath," I laughed.

"Is breathing really that necessary?" he joked, his face now right in front of mine.

"Maybe once in a while," I kidded back.

He then put his hand gently on my cheek and caressed me which felt good.

"Let's go wash off," he said.

I nodded and actually agreed to, and he lead me up the stairs to the bathroom.

We got into the bathroom and left all the lights off so it was almost pitch black.
We turned the water onto hot and we both climbed under the shower, still fully clothed at this point.

"I can barley see you," Duff said quietly with a slight chuckle.

"I can't see you either," I quietly said back.

"I guess our hands are gonna do all the seeing tonight," he said, as he leaned down to kiss me again.

We started making out and he instantly reached for my shirt to take it off.

I let him take it off and we threw it on the bathroom ground.

"Your turn," I said, now reaching for his shirt, taking it off.

We were both now only shirtless and still kissing under the hot water.

He then reached for my shorts and removed them, along with my underwear, and threw them on top of my shirt.

"I can't see you, but I can physically feel how beautiful you are," he told me which completely took me aback.

"Duff," I breathed.

"You don't have to say anything," he said, "let's just share this night together."

I listened and just pulled him back to my lips to resume kissing him.

I then reached for his jeans and boxers and took them off, also throwing them on the floor.

We were both now completely naked and kissing each other like I have never kissed before.

So much passion, so much... love.

We weren't even having sex in the shower, we were just discovering each other's bodies.

"Do you need some shampoo?" Duff laughed, pulling away from our kiss.

"What kind of question is that?" I giggled.

"We came in here to wash off, Jen! Not to turn lil' Duffy on. Lil' Duffy is always turned on when lil' Jenny is around," he said.

"Really? Jenny?" I playfully scoffed at him calling me the wrong name.

"Jenny, Menny, Senny, Kenny," he rhymed.

"What the fuck is going on right now?" I laughed, really weirded out by how he was acting. He must really be drunk or high right now.

"We came in here to wash the chlorine off of our bodies and that is damn well what I intend on doing, missy," he said.

"Are you tripping?" I chuckled.

"I am not," he replied as I felt him reaching over for the shampoo and conditoner.

"You can't even read which one is which," I pointed out.

"Well, we'll take our best guess," he said.

He then put down one of the bottles and opened the one in his hand.

"I hope this is the shampoo," he said, putting some in his hand.

"Well... is it?" I asked.

"Sure as hell feels like it," he replied.

He then put some shampoo on my head and I'm assuming some on his, and we scrubbed away.

"Time to rinse!" Duff playfully exclaimed, reaching for the showerhead.

"Duff, what is going on?"

"We are washing off, Jenna."

He then put the showerhead over me and let me wash off my shampoo first. How considerate.

He then washed his off and reached for the conditoner to repeat the process.

We finished washing our hair and we were now just standing under the hot water.

"What now?" I questioned, being completely clueless.

"We wash our bodies," he answered.

I didn't know exactly what he meant, so I stayed quiet and let him do whatever the fuck he was going to do.

I heard him open another bottle of something and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and suddenly felt both of his hands touch my body.

I flashed open my eyes and he slowly started to rub me down with body wash all over.

"Oh my--"

"God," he cheesily finished my sentence.

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