Future Bride and Groom?

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Our real Chef's Special came and it definitely looked better than the one from before.

We all happily dived in and started eating like crazy.

"Yum. This is delicious," Slash said, his mouth full.

"It sure is," Anna agreed.

We finished our meal happily and we were all extremely stuffed now.

We then headed for the nightclub and easily entered, seeing a ton of people.

It sure was poppin'.

"Hey there!" Stacy beamed, jumping in front of us.

Steven then turned slightly red, but said hi back to her.

"Come with me," Stacy told him, grabbing his hand, dragging him away.

"Damn. Where's my bitch of the night?" Axl asked, looking around the club, trying to spot a potiental one night stand.

"Gotta find mine too, man," Izzy said, also starting to look around.

"Well, have fun you guys," I said to them, taking Duff's hand, walking away.

We both headed to some velvet couches and sat down.

"This is the nicest club I have ever seen," I told him.

"Good. I wanted to make it special for you," Duff smiled.

"You did," I nodded.

He then looked at our hands which were interlocked, and our fingers, which were intertwined.

I looked down at them too and felt myself becoming a tad shy about it., so I tried to nonchalantly release his hand.

He didn't seem to like that, so he squeezed my hand tighter and looked back into my eyes.

"Let's go dance," he said.

I nodded and we stood up and walked hand in hand to the dancefloor.

"Here we are, back on the dancefloor," I giggled, thinking about last weekend when we were at another club.

"The dancefloor just calls for us," he laughed, turning me around, started to sexually grind on me.

The night flew by and it definitely was one to remember.

We were now walking into my house, all about to head straight to sleep.

"Thank you, guys. Really. For everything," I said to them before we all completely parted ways.

"You're welcome, Jen. Happy birthday," Steven smiled at me.

I smiled back and Anna gave me a big hug.

"You'll always be my best friend," she randomly told me.

"You'll always be mine too," I said back.

We all then seperated and were ready for a big night's sleep.

I woke up and headed straight for the shower. I cleaned up, put some makeup on, and was ready to go downstairs and face all of my dirty rockstars again.

I went into the living room, and to no surprise at all, everyone was sitting on the couch in their pajamas, smoking cigarettes and drinking booze.

"And good morning to you," Izzy said, raising his whiskey glass to me.

I shot him a slight smile and went next to Duff on the couch.

"Get a good night sleep?" he asked me.

"Yeah, sorta," I shrugged.

"So how was Stacy last night? We never asked," Axl asked Steven, lighting up a cigarette.

"She was alright. I don't think she was too into me though," he said, somewhat frowning.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"I don't know," he shrugged, "she was just... distant, I guess."

"Well, don't worry about it, man. Me and Axl couldn't even get any ladies to leave the club with us," Izzy said.

"Not all women are down for a one night stand," I argued.

"Well, then, how come I've had hundreds?" Izzy said, shooting me a devilish smirk.

"That's definitely an over exaggeration," Duff rolled his eyes, "you've had maybe seventeen. Tops."

"Some chick blew me in the bathroom," Slash randomly announced.

All of our eyes then locked on Anna and she looked infuriated.

"What did you just say?" she fumed.

"Relax, baby, I'm only kidding," Slash said back to her, rubbing her shoulders as she smacked him off.

"Bad joke, Slash," I said.

"I know," he nodded.

"Any news from the psycho waitress who served us garbage yesterday?" I asked Izzy.

"No. But you gotta admit, that was pretty funny," he chuckled.

"Whatta birthday," Duff laughed, putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Well, even though I still barley know you fuckers, I'm happy I celebrated it with you guys," I smiled.

"Aw," Izzy said to me, with a slight smile.

"It feels like we've known each other for years," Steven said.

"I agree," Anna nodded.

"I mean, Anna and Slash are like already exclusive, and Jen and Duff are like married," Izzy commented.

Duff and I looked at each other with smiles on both of our faces and he sprung up from the couch.

"C'mon, my lovely wife," he said, reaching his hand out for me.

"Oh, Lord, what are you doing?" I chuckled, shaking my head.

He stayed silent and resumed holding his hand out for me to take.

I then finally gave in and reached for his hand and he forcefully pulled me up from the couch, picking me up honeymoon style, spinning me around.

"For some reason I just imagined Jen in a wedding dress and Duff in a tuxedo," Axl said, "and it wasn't weird. It's like you two are made for each other."

"When you guys actually get married make sure I'm your wedding planner. I always wanted to be a wedding planner," Anna said.

"Guys, relax, we're just joking around," I said, jumping out of Duff's arms, back to the ground.

"Are we?" Duff questioned, looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

I was at a loss for words and immediatley looked away from him, locking eyes with Anna.

She gave me a smile and shrugged as Slash kissed the top of her head.

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