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"Drink some," a voice behind me said, handing me a red cup.

I turned around and looked up and saw none other than Duff.

"I'm already high. I don't need to be drunk too," I denied.

"Just do it," he urged, shoving the drink closer to me.

I took the drink and chugged it down, realizing it was tequila.

"Damn, girl," Duff laughed.

"I don't wanna party anymore," I told him.


"I don't want these people here anymore."

"Fine. But we're still partying," he smirked.

I looked at him with confusion and he screamed at everyone to leave. Which weirdly enough, they did.

The rest of his band, including Slash, with Anna, came up to him.

"We're going clubbing," Duff said to all of us.

I looked over at Anna and she gave me a weird look back and shrugged.

"Who's driving?" Steven asked.

"I will. I'm pretty sober," Anna spoke up.

We all exchanged looks and nodded, heading to Anna's car outside.

We made it to the club in one piece and we all got in, even though Anna and I are underage. I guess it doesn't matter when you're with rockstars.

"Duff," I whispered, tugging on his leather jacket.

"Yeah?" he asked back, leaning down to me.

"I'm fucked up," I giggled in his ear.

"I am too," he laughed with a nod.

He then took me to the bar and we took a seat at the bar stools.

"I don't wanna get more drunk, man. I'm superrr fucking messed up," I sloppily said.

"Two more shots?" he asked, putting his hand on my knee.

"Only if it's tequila," I smiled.

He nodded and ordered 4 shots of tequila.

"You look sooo good," Duff told me, now rubbing my knee.

"I told you, I'm not sleeping with you," I smiled, playing with my hair.

The shots then came and Duff and I both picked one up at the same time. We clinked glasses, chugging down the shot.

"And one more," Duff smiled, handing me the next one.

We both then chugged down our second shot and I knew now I'm gonna be even more messed up than I am now.

"Let's dance," I beamed, taking Duff's hand, dragging him to the dancefloor.

We both then started dancing and I felt like I wasn't even standing on the ground. I felt like I was dancing in the air.

"Hey, you two, it's on me," some random guy said to Duff and I, putting something in Duff's hand.

"What is it?!" I yelled over the music.

Duff shrugged and opened his hand revealing two pills.

"Oh, hell no," I shook my head.

"Come on, Jen. It could be fun," Duff said to me.

"Duff, do you see us? We're totally not okay already. I'm not taking a fucking drug now on top of all of this."

"It's just ecstasy. Nothing will happen," he told me.

"Duff, no. No way in Hell. Give me the pills," I said angrily, holding my palm out so he can put the pills in it.

Duff then raised his eyebrows at me, popping one of the pills in his mouth, swallowing it.

"Why did you do that?! Do you want to fucking kill yourself?!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Everything's wrong everytime," he randomly said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Open," he told me, shoving the pill in my face, "make it a night to remember."

I then gave in, again, because for some reason I always stupidly give into Duff, and I opened my mouth.

He grinned and popped the pill in my mouth. I swallowed it and he pulled me in closer, now sexually dancing with me.

"Is this a dream?" I asked Duff as we were dancing,

"Feels like it," he laughed back.

I feel as if the whole world isn't real. I feel like life is just a big blur and that everything is moving in different paces. I don't know my right from my left anymore. I don't know my up from my down. I'm tripping. Hardcore.

"I don't wanna dance anymore," I told him as I stopped dancing.

"What do you want to do?" he asked me.

"Let's go outside for a second," I said.

He nodded and started following me outside the club.

We made it outside and Duff immediatley lit a cigarette and I stared at the brick wall in awe.

"How are you doing?" he asked, blowing out his smoke.

"I'm trippin', man," I answered.

"Me too," he nodded.

I then took the cigarette from his fingers and threw it on the ground, stepping on it.

"Hey, that was a perfectly good cigarette," he frowned.

I then cupped his face in my hands and started kissing him. He happily kissed me back, grabbing my hips tightly.

We started to kiss more and more intensley and he stopped, slightly pulling back.

"Let's go to the car," he whispered.

"No," I breathed, stepping away, "I can't. I'm not fucking you, Duff. Not happening."

"We don't have to have sex," he told me.

"No, this is a mistake. I just wanna go back home. I'm severely messed up right now. I don't even know my own name," I said, starting to panic.

"Jenna. Jenna's your name," he smiled.

"Take me home, Duff," I demanded.

"What? You want me to drive you like this? You think I'm in any sort of position to drive?" he asked a bit harshly.

"Go get Anna then," I ordered.

"Listen to me," he said, grabbing my face, "you'll be fine. I know drugs and alcohol together hit you hard and mess you up. I get it. Happens to everyone. But it doesn't last forever. This feeling you have now, won't last forever. I promise."

"I'm scared," I said, my voice shaking, "I've never felt this way before."

"Instead of being scared of it, enjoy it. Enjoy tonight. You've never felt this way before? Well, kick its fucking ass and have a good fuckin' time."

I then couldn't help but to smile and I grabbed his face, kissing it again.

Taking in a Dirty RockstarWhere stories live. Discover now