Biting + A Dysfunctional Family

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He finished rubbing me down extremely sexually in the shower and I haven't felt this turned on in... forever.

"My bedroom," I told him, "now."

We both then got out of the shower, wrapped towels around ourselves, and rushed to my bedroom.

We left the lights off and of course, locked my door.

We threw our towels off and he pinned me against the wall, once again, kissing me passionatley.

"Let's go hard tonight," he whispered in my ear, moving his lips down to my neck.

"In what way?" I questioned stupidly.

I then felt him very slightly biting on my neck and I uncontrollably moaned loudly.

"You liked that, didn't you?" he asked, pinning me harder against the wall.

"I did," I breathed, getting more turned on by the second.

He then kissed my lips and bit on the bottom one, which made me moan again.

"Damn, and here I was thinking you didn't like me at all," he said.

"Shut it, Mckagan," I jokingly snapped.

We then went back to kissing and slowly made our way to my bed. I got pushed down by Duff and he crawled on top of me, kissing me all over my body.

"Look at you," he breathed.

"What?" I questioned, now kissing his neck which was new since he's always kissing mine. No complaints though.

"You're a work of art," he told me.

"Damn, you just keep saying all these things and throwing me ten steps backwards," I responded.

"Why am I throwing you ten steps backwards?" he asked.

"You're catching me off guard," I replied.

He didn't say anything back and just went back to doing what he was doing.

I opened my eyes and noticed no one was next to me.

I then remembered last night, the intimiancy Duff and I shared and I didn't regret it. I honestly loved every second of it and I just keep on falling for him harder and harder.

"Good morning," a voice sang happily to me.

I looked up and saw Duff, in only his boxers, in my closet, looking through my clothes.

"Good morning?" I said back, clearly confused.

"Guess what day it issss?" he asked excitedly.

"What?" I questioned, putting my silk robe on so I wasn't visibly naked anymore.

He then walked over to me and sat next to me on the bed with a smile plastered on his face.

"Your birthday," he told me.

Oh shit. My birthday is today isn't it?

"And how do you know that?" I asked with a smile.

"You told me when we first met that you're turning eighteen in a week and a half. And I also saw it marked on the calender on the fridge in the kitchen," he answered.

"You remembered even before me," I smiled.

"It's a big day. You're the big one- eight," he said.

"Nah, it's just the same as any other birthday," I shrugged.

"Well, it's a big day for us since now you're technically legal," he smirked, wiggiling his eyebrows at me.

"Like that stopped us before," I sarcastically laughed, playfully rolling my eyes.

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