Sucky Proposals

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***One year later***


"Good morning, babe," a voice said, waking me up.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Duff looking down at me, stroking my hair gently.

"Hi, baby," I said back, forcing myself to smile.

"Happy birthday," he smiled.

"Oh, God, not another one," I chuckled.

"Can you believe we only met just a little over a year ago?" he asked me.

"I know. It's insane," I responded.

"Well, c'mon, get up. Everyone's got a special surprise for you downstairs," he told me.

I nodded and he kissed my forehead, leaving my room shortly after.

I then forced myself to get up and I walked in front of my mirror, looking at myself and reminiscing my birthday from a year ago.

But, to be honest, not much has changed since then. Duff, Anna, Slash, Axl, Steven, and Izzy all still live in my house. They never left, which I can't complain about because I love having them around. They are basically my family now.

Also, I thought about how it really took me aback how my mom behaved last year. The way she randomly brought Duff over, let him take over our house, let me be alone with him, etc... It was all very, very odd. But later I've come to find out that her and Duff knew each other way more personally than I had thought. They had mutual connections in her work place which caused them to meet a long time ago and when she found out he was struggling, she didn't think twice about helping him out with open arms. They were always close and she didn't have any skeptical thoughts on him. She knew he wouldn't hurt me, which I didn't know until Duff told me a couple of months ago.

But even with that mind, it was still odd that she took off and never came back. But it didn't surprise me. She was always "nice" to me per se, but she wasn't a good mother. She had really, really self-destructive behavior and was completely letting herself go. I guess she was too ashamed to tell me that she was getting help and lied and said she was leaving for a business trip for the weekend. Her close work friend did in fact confirm to me that she was in rehab. I also assume she didn't want to leave me at home alone, so in her mind it was better for me that Duff was here? I'm not too sure, but I can just assume and helplessly justify her unexplainable behavior.

Will I ever see her again? I can't say, but I sure hope so. Having a deceased father and a runaway mother sure is tough for a teenage girl, but thanks to Duff and my new best friends, I'm getting through it.

But aside from that, Anna and Slash's relationship has only grown since the year has past and they're pretty serious now. I'd say they're pretty much in love.

But as for Duff and I, our relationship has also grown significantly. We are "boyfriend/girlfriend" now and we are serious about each other. I'm definitely crazy in love with him, and I think he's pretty much crazy about me too. Well, at least I hope he is.

I touched myself up a bit and got myself downstairs to see the "surprise" everyone has for me for my 19th birthday.

"Happy, happy birthday!" Anna happily exclaimed as I entered the kitchen.

"Thanks," I said under my breath as she ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

"Happy birthday, Jen," Slash said to me, also giving me a hug.

"Thanks, Slash," I smiled, hugging him back.

"Happy birthday," Izzy called to me from across the room, downing a bottle of vodka.

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