No Vodka!

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We were now in the backseat of Anna's car, intensley making out.

"What time is it?" I asked, feeling like the whole world was spinning in the wrong direction.

"I have no idea," he answered.

"I need to get home," I told him.

"Well, we'll wait for everyone here," he said.

"No, we need to find them."

"Please stay here," Duff begged, grabbing onto my arm.

"No, I'm gonna go find them."

"Are you not having a good time back here?" he asked me.

"I'm drugged out. I won't even remember this," I replied.

"True. I probably won't either," he laughed.

"Now let's go find them."

"No need to. I see them coming," he said.

I turned around and saw all of them coming as well and I quickly got off of Duff, sitting down normally.

"What are you guys already doing here?" Anna instantly asked us, getting into the driver's seat.

"We just walked out earlier than you guys," I slurred.

She shook her head as she started the engine, everyone else piling in the car.

We all made it back to my place and I headed straight for my bedroom. I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't bother to look at who it was.

I entered my bedroom and stared at my derranged self in the mirror, noticing how truly fucked up I was right now.

"Jen..." Duff breathed, entering my room.

"Go, Duff. Just leave," I barked.

"No. Let me talk to you..."

"No. You don't have anything to say to me. I'm high off of weed, drunk on a shit ton of tequila, on fucking ecstasy, and all of this crazy shit because of you. I don't want to see you right now. I want to calm down."

"I feel bad that you're so freaked out--"

"You should be. Now just go. I want to go to bed."

He looked at me with sad eyes and slumped out of my room. I closed the door loudly behind him and went straight for my bed.

I woke up to the sun beaming in my eyes through my window shades and I slowly sat up. Thankfully I felt a lot better than yesterday and I don't think I'm drugged out anymore. Just hungover at this point.
I got up slowly and saw I looked like a total mess with my smeared black eye makeup and my smeared lipstick, but I didn't care, I headed downstairs anyway.

I saw everyone but Duff crashed in the living room somewhere and I went to the kitchen, and to my surprise saw Duff sitting there, drinking straight vodka from the bottle again.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Morning drinking," he shrugged, taking another swig.

"Are you not hungover like I am right now?" I questioned.

"No, I am. I just drink to get drunk again so I'm not hungover anymore," he said.

"Seems like a never ending process," I replied.

"Sure as hell is."

"Welcome to alcoholism," I said.

He shot me a dirty look and went back to drinking.

"Do you remember last night?" I asked.

"Slightly. Bits and pieces. Did something happen?"

"I don't know," I replied, "that's why I'm asking you."

"Did we fuck?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, as much as you wanted to," I rolled my eyes, remembering we at least didn't have sex. I think.

"Maybe we did and you just don't remember," he winked.

"No, we definitely didn't," I said back, walking to him, snatching his vodka bottle from his hand, "now stop drinking. You're concerning me."

"Awe, you're concerned for me," he grinned cheekily.

"Shut up, Duff. No I'm not," I said, feeling my cheeks turn hot.

"Then give me my vodka back," he smirked, reaching for it.

I jerked my hand away from him quickly and shook my head.

"Sorry, but that's not happening. Find another hobby that's not drinking," I said, going on my tip-toes, putting the vodka on a really high shelf.

Duff stood up and chuckled, putting his thumbs through his pant loops.

"Honey, you may be tall, but I'm way taller," he said to me, reaching for the vodka, not even having to go on his tip-toes.

"Duff, don't," I said.

"Reach for it, Ms. Amazon," he teased, reaching his bottle hand as high as he could.

"You know I can't get that."

"Why? You think you're so tall, why can't you reach for it?"

"I am tall, Duff. But I get it, you're taller. You're a fucking monster. But give me the bottle."

"Reach for it and you can keep it," he raised an eyebrow at me.

I then jumped as high as I could and tried to get the bottle and had no success.

"Dammit," I muttered under my breath.

"Ha," he laughed in my face, putting his hand down.

"Don't do it, Duff," I told him seriously.

"I won't," he said to me, putting the bottle away.

"Thank you," I smiled at him.

We looked at each other for a good 5 seconds and I could have sworn we were about to kiss.

But we didn't.

And I ended up walking away, back to the living room.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE OUR CARS?!" a loud voice screamed angrily, causing me to jump.

"Hey, man, we're trying to sleep," another voice said back.

"Shut the fuck up, Slash. Our cars are gone!"

Duff then came out of the kitchen and checked out what was happening.

"What do you mean our cars are gone?" someone else asked.

"Steven's car and my car. They're both gone. Someone get our manager on the phone!"

The small blonde one then ran for the landline and I shot Duff a confused look.

"So... they just disappeared?" Anna asked.

"Yeah. They just magically disappeared," he said back angrily.

I noticed the one talking was the small, short-tempered redhead.

"I wonder who would have stole them..." Duff said, putting a cigarette in his mouth.

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