Morning Wasted

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I put some under garments on under my silk robe so I didn't feel totally in the nude.

I also brushed my teeth, tied my messy hair up in a nice high ponytail, and fixed my dark makeup.

I sprayed on some perfume and was ready to get morning wasted with everybody.

I went downstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen, continuously taking shots.

"Hello," I greeted them.

"THE BIRTHDAY GIRL!" Anna drunkly yelled, coming up to me, putting her arm around my shoulders, but struggling to do so because she is shorter than me.

"The birthday girl has some marks on her neck. Did the birthday girl get injured?" Slash smirked at me as he drank his whiskey.

"Don't patronize the birthday girl," Steven snapped at Slash.

Slash raised his eyebrows and fixed his gaze back on his whiskey.

I then glanced over at Duff and he shot me a wink that made my whole body tense up. In a good way.

"Here," Axl handed me a full glass, "I made you a special drink. Since you know, your birthday."

"Thanks," I smiled, raising my glass to him.

He raised his beer bottle back at me and we both drank.

"Wow. This is really good," I commented.

"Good. I'm happy you like it," he smiled, walking back to the counter.

I then observed everybody and it still made me laugh seeing everyone in their pajamas already getting drunk.

"Love the hair," a voice whispered to me.

I looked up and saw Duff smiling down at me and I blushed and looked away.

"You like a high pony?" I giggled, being slightly sarcastic.

"A high pony is what I like," he responded back with a laugh.

I looked back up at him and saw him taking a swig of his bottle of vodka.

"And I especially love a high pony when it shows off all of your neck marks," he commented, looking back at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I thought you would be more careful not to mark me," I shot back.

"I can't help it. You're my territory," he said to me, laughing, which I knew wasn't a hundred percent serious, but I won't lie, it turned me on.

"Drink up, birthday bitch!" Anna yelled at me from across the room.

I also rasied my glass to her and she just sloppily went onto nibbiling Slash's ear.

"Well... she said it. Drink up," Duff smirked.

I shot him a smirk back and we clinked our drinks.

"YESSS! I LOVE THIS SONG!" I screamed so loudly that the whole world could hear me.

"ME TOO!" Anna screamed back, cupping my face in her hands.

Steven then turned up the radio and we all started dancing around and belting out the lyrics like idiots.


Izzy then walked over to me and handed me another shot. I don't even know how many drinks I had at this point, I just know it was a ton.

"Izzzaaayyy!" I drunkly exclaimed to him.

"Jennnaaa," he mocked me, downing another shot himself.

"Dance with me," I drunkly pleaded, grabbing both of his hands.

"To a Van Halen song?" he laughed.

"Not any Van Halen song, silly," I slurred, "it's fuckin' Jamie's Cryin'."

He laughed and I wrapped both of my hands around his neck, not even realizing what I was doing.

But I did know it was all just in good fun.

"You're so drunk," he quietly told me.

"I know," I nodded, letting go of his neck and turning my back to him.

I then started to sloppily grind on him to a song that really isn't meant for grinding.

"Jen, what are you doing?" Duff asked me, walking up to us.

"I'm dancing with my good friend Izzy here," I replied confidently.

"You're grinding to Jamie's Cryin'? Of all songs?" Duff questioned.

"Sorry," I sighed, stepping away from Izzy, "bad mistake."

"If you're gonna grind on him at least wait for a song that you can grind to," Duff laughed, putting his arm around my waist.

Izzy drunkly laughed at the both of us and wandered off somewhere.

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