Sunshine Bar

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I looked at my finished product in the mirror and I looked pretty good, if I do say so myself.

My short, black Led Zeppelin shirt hugged the top part of my body well and my high-top, light, blue jean shorts also was a good fit. My black and white high-top Converse were tightly on and tied and my intense makeup looked like it was done with time and precision.

I then flipped my head over so my crazy, dark brown wavy hair could become even more wild.

I then slipped on some jewlery, deodorant, and perfume and I was out of the door.

I honked my horn loudly and waited for Anna to come out.

I was looking at myself in the mirror, fixing my bright red lipstick on the edges of my mouth, and heard a knock on the window.

I unlocked the door and in came Anna.

"We're gonna watch our boys play together," she said.

I nodded and started driving.

"Can you imagine Slash shredding it on the guitar? Man, that's gonna make me wanna fuck him ten times more than I want to now. And that's saying a lot," she said.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Why haven't you two fucked yet? I don't get it."

"Hey, we're not like you and Duff, alright?" she teased me.

"Haha. Funny," I rolled my eyes.

We were now headed to the bar and I saw floods of people standing out front.

I then tried to push my way through them to only see a bouncer taking in or rejecting people.

I then looked next to me and tapped on some girl with a white dress on and she turned around and looked at me.

"Why is he rejecting some people?" I asked.

"I don't really know what it's based off of," she shrugged, "he didn't let me in right away and said he will if there's an extra spot."

"Weird," I replied, pushing my way back to the view the bouncer.

"I don't think there's any way of us getting in there," Anna whispered to me.

"There's always a way when you know the main act personally," I smirked, marching straight up to the bouncer.

"Well, hello there," he smirked at me.

"Can me and my girl get in please?" I asked, pulling Anna into me.

"You both look rather young... you sure you're even old enough to be here?" he responded skeptically, raising an eyebrow.

"If for some reason you don't think we should be let in, talk to Guns N' Roses. Tell 'em who's at the door waiting to get in to see them," I said confidently, raising both of my eyebrows back at him.

"You think I believe you know Guns N' Roses on a personal level?" the bouncer laughed, shaking his head.

"Talk to them," I barked, "I dare you."

The bouncer then looked slightly intimidated and he opened the rope slowly to let us in.

"See? That lazy fuck didn't even bother asking them," I said to Anna as we strutted into the bar.

I then looked around and saw the bar was awfully full. They were people everywhere and I heard the words 'Guns N' Roses' being thrown around a lot in conversation.

"They're gonna make it," Anna said to me with a nod as she proudly looked around at everybody, waiting to see them.

"They just might," I responded back with a smile.

We both then fell silent and stared around in awe.

"Let's stand here," Anna said, pulling me by my arm, into a small space close to the stage.

All the lights in the bar then went dark and there was loads of cheering and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

All of the boys then came out and instantly started jamming. Anna and I both started to dance and I looked up at Duff, who surprisingly had already spotted me, and we locked eyes.

He shot me a wink and I felt myself instantly blush and look away.

Their set was over and it was unreal! I couldn't believe how good they were.

"Enjoy the show?" a voice asked from behind me, wrapping their hands around my waist.

I turned and saw Duff hugging me and I giggled and nodded.

"Not gonna lie, I was pretty impressed," I told him.

"Happy to hear that," he said.

"Sorry for fighting with you yesterday," I apologized as I turned around to face him completely.

"It's okay," he assured me as he put his hand gently on my cheek.

"It already feels crazy empty in my house without you guys there," I slightly smiled.

"Well, to be honest with you, we can always come backkk," he sing-songed.

"Do you guys really have nowhere to stay again?" I chuckled.

"Well, I mean, kinda and kinda not. I, personally, just wanna stay with you," he told me.

"So, that does mean you guys have nowhere to stay," I laughed.

"We miss you, Jennn," he whined as he wrapped his arms around me again.

"Fine, since y'all are loser nobodys... you can crash at my place again," I joked, but agreed for them to stay with me again.

"It's like we never left," Duff chuckled as he pecked my cheek.

"Let's go home now," I said.

"Just us?" he questioned.

"Yeah," I nodded, "is that a problem?"

"No, no," he shook his head, "it's just... how are the others gonna get home?"

"They'll find a way. They're all rockstars," I replied, grabbing his hand as we headed to my car.

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