Welcome To Rock N' Roll!

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I got out of my long, hot shower and made myself look presentable again. My classic dark eyes, bright lips, crazy hair, band shirt, and shorts.

I then heard the doorbell and was instantly curious of who it could be.

I ran downstairs and saw Steven had already opened the door and it was my cranky, old woman neighbor, Ms. Crample, and some... priest next to her?!

"Uh, what's going on?" I asked, coming to the door, pushing Steven away.

"My goodness, Jenna. Look at you. What have you become? I thought you were a sweet girl!" she exclaimed, her voice and hands shaking.

"Ms. Crample, what's going on here?" I asked, looking at her and the priest.

"I think you need this. This is Father Abraham," she told me.

"Father Abraham?" Izzy scoffed loudly from the background, "are you fucking kidding me?"

"Language!" Father Abraham snapped.

"You need to let God back into your life. I've seen you really going downhill," Ms. Crample told me.

"Uh, Ms. Crample, you don't know me. You're just my neighbor. I don't need your help, thanks," I said, attempting to slam the door, but Father Abraham stopping me with his strong hands.

"Miss Tayler," Father Abraham said, calling me by my last name, "Ms. Crample is paying me for my sessions here. Twice a week for two months. And I'm here to help you find God again. And even your friends too."

"I refuse. I didn't ask for you," I barked.

"Well, I'm here," he said, letting himself in.

"You'll thank me," Ms. Crample said to me, wobbling away.

I walked in and saw Father Abraham take a seat and everyone was in the living room, staring at him and at me.

"Hey, man, how the fuck's it goin'?" Axl asked, trying to give him a rough handshake, but Father Abraham shooed him away.

"Everyone take a seat," he instructed us.

"What the hell is this, Jen? You ordered us some kinda priest?" Slash asked me.

"No, I didn't. In fact, I think there's gotta be some kinda law against this 'cause I told him to leave ten times and I didn't order his service," I replied.

"I'm here to help," Father Abraham said.

"With what?" Duff meanly laughed, putting a cigarette in his mouth.

"That. For one thing," Father Abraham said, walking up to Duff, taking his cigarette out of his mouth.

"Hey, man, if you wanted one you coulda just asked," Duff smiled at him.

"I don't want one. You should not be smoking. And if you do, do it outside! Show some respect!" he yelled at him, going back to his seat.

I looked up at Duff and he started laughing which made me laugh too.

"Nothing is funny about getting God into your life," Father Abraham barked at us.

"What? He's got no sense of humor?" Slash smirked, "plus, I'm sure he's smoked a cig before."

"Hey! Respect our Father!" Father Abraham yelled at him.

Slash glanced over at me and gave me a smirk and I laughed and shook my head.

"I have a lot of work to do with you all," Father Abraham breathed loudly, shaking his head.

"Come work on me first," Anna winked.

"Disgusting! You should not sell yourself out like that! Do you have any self respect?!" Father Abraham now screamed at her.

"Yo, Father, any hot chicks go to your church?" Axl asked, opening a beer bottle with his teeth.

"This session is now over," Father Abraham said angrily, springing up from the chair.

"See you never," I said to him.

"No. I'm coming back Wednesday. Every Saturday and Wednesday, expect me," he said back to me.

"You're gonna have to break through the window then, bro. No one's gonna let you in," Izzy said.

"The power of God will come within you to let me in," Father Abraham told us.

"The power of whiskey will come within me to punch you in the throat," Slash said to him, swigging his bottle of whiskey.

"Alcoholism. We'll talk about that as well," Father said back to him.

"Bye, Fatherrr," Anna flirted, shooting him a wink and cute wave.

He shuddered as he ran out of my house.

"How much money y'all wanna bet he ain't ever comin' back?" Duff laughed, lighting another cigarette.

"Nope. He is definitely never coming back," I chuckled.

"I feel like he might. He was giving me the sexy eye," Anna joked, taking Slash's bottle of whiskey out of his hand, drinking it.

"Man, it's sad how dysfunctional we all are," I laughed, crossing my arms, shaking my head.

"Welcome to rock n' roll!" Steven yelled, raising his glass up.

Everyone else yelled along with him, raising up whatever they had in their hand.

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