Run To Whom The Bell Tolls

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"Ready, everybody?!" Axl screamed.

I laughed at him as I then heard almost everyone in the car belting the lyrics to For Whom The Bell Tolls.

"Make his fight on the hill in the early day!" all of Guns N' Roses sang loudly, which caused Anna and I to look at each other and laugh.

"Constant chill deep inside..." Slash sang as everyone listened, "shouting gun, on they run, through the endless grey..."

"On they fight, for they're right, yes, but who's to say?" Izzy then sang the next line.

Man, we're hardcore karoking in here.

"For a hill, men would kill, why? They do not know..." Axl sang loudly and powerfully which totally blew me away, "stiffened wounds test their pride... men of five, still alive through the raging glow..."

Axl then called Duff's name to sing the next verse and I giggled as I looked up at Duff.

"Gone insane from the pain that they surely know..." Duff sang, stealing looks at me which made me smile.

"EVERYBODY!" Steven screamed excitedly.

"FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS!" every person in the car screamed their head off.

"TIME MARCHES ON!" Axl then belted out the next lyric.

"FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS!" everybody shouted again.

Duff then put his arm around my shoulders, and at this point in time, I didn't care.

Axl then switched the radio station and to all of our surprise, Iron Maiden started to blast.

"FUCK YEAH, MAIDEN!" Slash screamed, blowing out a cloud of smoke from his cig.

"I love this song, man," Duff said.

"Crank that shit up!" Steven exclaimed, cranking up the volume on his own, which made me laugh.

"Steven, start us off, buddy," Axl told him.

"White man came across the sea," Steven sang.

"He brought us pain and misery," Izzy sang the next line.

"He killed our tribes, he killed our creed," Slash sang next.

"He took our game for his own need," Anna happily sung as Slash put his hand on her inner thigh.

"We fought him hard, we fought him well... out on the plains, we gave him Hell!" I belted out the lyrics loudly.

"But many came, too much for Cree, oh will we ever be set free?" Duff sang.

"Riding through dust clouds and barren wastes. Galloping hard on the plains. Chasing the redskins back to their holes, fighting them at their own game. Murder for freedom, the stab in the back, women and children and cowards attack!"Axl sang beautifully and powerfully all on his own, which once again, took my breath away.

"RUN TO THE HILLS!" we all screamed, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

I then leaned my head on Duff's shoulder as he put his hand on my knee.

"RUN TO THE HILLS!" we all belted, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

Axl kept driving straight on the highway and I felt Duff's lips touch the top of my head. He kissed my head and I felt those stupid god damned butterflies in my stomach.

Man, I hate those.

Axl then started to head to a highway exit and I looked next to me and saw Anna all cuddled up on Slash like I was to Duff.

Axl then took a turn into some drive through place and pulled into it.

"Can I have seven ice cream cones?" Axl asked intercom.

The intercom agreed and we pulled up to the window to pay.

"Oh my gosh!" the girl squealed as Axl looked at her, "you're Guns N' Roses!"

"We are," Axl nodded with a smile.

"Me and my girl love going to your guys' gigs. Y'all are getting pretty recognized! Not long 'til your songs play on the radio," she smiled.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Axl told her.

"The cones are on the house today. Just pull up to the next window," the girl told Axl.

"Thank you, babe," Axl said, as he gave her a slight wave and pulled up to the next window.

"Wow. So those are the advantages of being a rockstar? Free ice cream cones?" I teased, looking up at Duff.

"Hell yeah. Free ice cream tastes way better than paid for ice cream," Duff replied to me.

The ice cream cones then kept a-comin' to Axl as he quickly tried to give everybody one.

I snatched mine from Axl's hand and we all finally got one as we waved to the drive-thru people and took off.

"Thanks for the random ice cream, man," Steven thanked Axl.

Axl nodded and we were off for the highway once again.

"I swear these are all different flavors," Duff randomly stated to all of us.

"Why, Duffy? What does yours taste like?" Steven asked him.

"Mine has a hint of caramel," he answered.

"Hint of caramel, my ass. You're imagining things," Slash laughed.

"Yeah, Duff, you are," I agreed with Slash.

"Oh, am I? Try it," he said, shoving his ice cream in my mouth.

I took a few licks and really tried to observe the flavor, but it tasted like normal vanilla to me. Just like everybody elses.

"There's no caramel, Duff. It is normal vanilla," I told him.

"Lies," he shook his head, refusing to believe me.

I chuckled and went back to eating my own cone.

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