Vodka Mistakes

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I was laying awake in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. And weirdly enough, the only thing that was running through my mind was Duff.

I knew what I wanted. And I knew I wanted it now.

I got up from my bed, flicking on the lights, looking through my closet, trying to find something sexy.

I finally found a silk maroon night gown that Anna accidentally left at my house one night. It was rather long on the bottom, but the top was defientley sexy.

I found some scissors and cut the gown way short, to where it was pretty revealing, but not too crazy.

I put it on and looked at myself in the gown in my mirror and smiled proudly, the gown looking sexier than I thought.

I then flipped my hair over, to make my wavey hair wild and crazy, and I went to my makeup.

I did my full face of makeup, going over my previous eyeliner, my eyes now smokey and black.

I then put on red lipstick and some deodarant and several sprays of perfume.

I gave myself one last look in the mirror and nodded, ready to do my task.

I turned off the light in my room and tip-toed down the stairs, going straight to the living room. I saw Duff laying there on the couch, watching TV.

"Whoa," he gawked at me, muting the TV, sitting up on the couch, "look at you."

"Give me some vodka. Now," I demanded.

He widened his eyes and nodded, standing up from the couch, walking to his bag.

I looked at him walking and noticed he was still in the same clothes, his makeup was still on, and his hair was still crazy.

"Here," he said, clearly intimidated, handing me a full bottle of vodka.

I opened it up and he looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Do you need a chaser or mixer?" he asked.

"I'm not a pussy, Duff," I said back to him, starting to immediatley chug the vodka.

I then stopped chugging and coughed, disgusted of the taste.

"Here," he laughed, handing me a glass of orange juice.

I drank the orange juice quickly and stared at him, grossed out.

"Straight vodka again? Why not raspberry or something?" I said with a sour face.

"Thought you weren't a pussy," he teased.

I rolled my eyes at him and drank more of the vodka, chasing it down with orange juice.

"Why do you want to suddenly get drunk at two-thirty in the morning on a school night?" he asked me.

"Because," I smiled, putting the drinks down, already starting to feel slightly drunk, "I want to do something."

"Oh, really? Like what?" he smirked sexily at me.

"Like... I don't know," I smirked back, starting to gently stroke his chest.

"Oh, so you want me now, huh?" he chuckled.

"No, no, no," I shook my head, stepping back from him.

"Come back here," he smiled, pulling me in by my hips, kissing me.

We started to kiss intensley and he was touching me all over, as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Let's go upstairs," I whispered as he was kissing my neck.

He nodded and picked me up by my thighs, which I was surprised by, and carried me up the stairs, still kissing me.

We made it to the room, not needing to turn on any light as he shut the door and dropped me on my bed.

He climbed on top of me, still kissing me, now reaching for my gown.

He attempted to take it off but kept failing and I was tired of the constant failure so I pushed him off me and huffed loudly.

"Why the fuck can't you be a normal dude and take off a girl's night gown?" I asked.

"Fuck you, just take it off," he said, not helping but to chuckle.

I took it off, having absouletely nothing under, and he just stared at me, the reflection of the moonlight lighting us up.

"What? Are you just gonna sit there and stare?" I asked impatiently.

"I could stare at you like this all night," he said.

I didn't say anything and stared at him until he said something else.

"You're beautiful," he said.

I felt my face turn hot and I looked down and smiled.

"Well, enough of this gushy shit. Get naked," I said.

He chuckled and started to take his clothes off and once he was fully stripped he went on top of me again, putting a condom on, starting to do what we were intending on doing.

"JEN, IF YOU THINK LOCKING YOUR DOOR IS GONNA MAKE YOU NOT GO TO SCHOOL THEN YOU'RE VERY WRONG, YOUNG LADY!" a voice screamed angrily from the other side of the door.

I opened my eyes in fear and saw a naked Duff laying next to me.

I shook him violently to wake him up and he groaned loudly and slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh, God," he instantly said, looking at me, his eyes widening.

"My mom is banging on the door," I whispered to him.

He quickly got up and put his boxers on, going in my closet to hide.

I got out my robe and put it on, covering my naked body, and opened the door.

"Hi, mom. Sorry I didn't hear you, I was listening to the morning radio," I said to her.

She gave me a weird look, as if she didn't believe me, and looked past me, into my room.

"Your makeup is smeared. Did you sleep with it on last night?" she asked me.

"Yeah. I was exhausted," I answered.

"Okayyy. Well, Anna will be here soon to pick you up. Hurry up and get yourself together," she told me, starting to walk away.

I stood, watching her walk away for a bit, and to my surprise, she turned back around to face me.

"Do you know where Duff is, by the way?" she asked me.

"No clue," I answered.

She nodded and slowly walked away again.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief and closed and locked the door behind my mom, opening my closet door.

"Hi there," Duff said, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Get out," I told him.

"Hey, you could be a littleee nicer," he teased.

"You need to leave. My mom is looking for you," I said.

He nodded, leaving my closet, putting on the rest of his clothes.

"What happened earlier, never happened. Clear?" I seriously said to him.

"Crystal," he winked, leaving my room.

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