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I somewhat fixed myself up and was now in Anna's car.

"Well, hello there. You don't look hungover at all," she laughed as she started to drive away.

"I don't feel hungover either," I laughed back.

"Why did you get drunk on a school night?" she questioned.

"Long story," I breathed.

"Well, we have a four minute car ride, so I'm all ears," she said.

"Well... I slept with someone..." I admitted.

"I can tell," she chuckled.

"Really? How?" I questioned.

"You reek of regret," she said.

I pressed my lips together and looked down at my Converse.

"Spill the beans," she ordered.

"Some drunken rockstar is staying at my place because he lost his band or some crazy shit like that. I drank his vodka and got drunk and slept with him," I told her.

"No fuckin' way! That's crazy! What's this rockstar's name?"

"Duff," I replied.

"Duff?! As in Duff Mckagan?!" she exclaimed.

"Uh... I don't know... maybe? How do you know him?!"

"He's the bassist of Guns N' Roses, Jen! They're becoming a pretty big band! When they come to town me and my girls always go to see them!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"If they're becoming big, how come I never heard of them?" I asked.

"Because you're obviously living under a rock," she snapped back.


"I can't believe you slept with one of the guys from Guns N' Roses. Good for you, Jen. Fuck him some more, he is staying with you after all," she said.

"You said I reek of regret. I take that personally," I smiled.

"Jen, you can hook me up with someone else in Guns N' Roses. We could be groupies for a huge rock band. Jen, this is our calling. Take it!"

"I don't know, Anna..."

"I'm coming over after school and meeting Duff. And we're getting drunk. And I'm asking him to hook me up with the guitarist. He's super hot and mysterious."

"Don't get ahead of yourself."

"Come on, Jen. It's Friday night. Let's have some fun," she said.

"He just came yesterday."

"And you already fucked him."


"Come on, Jenna. Pleaseee."

"Anna, did you forget that the only reason he's at my house is because he lost his band on the road?"

"He'll find 'em," she shrugged.

The day flew by and I was already in front of my front door.

I opened it, and instantly saw Duff in the living room.

"There you are," he smirked, standing up, walking towards me.

I stared at him as he put his hands on my face, leaning in to kiss me.

"Whoa there, buddy. You ain't kissin' me," I rejected him, moving past him.

"Don't pretend like last night didn't happen. It did and it was great."

Taking in a Dirty RockstarWhere stories live. Discover now