Who Gets The Bed?

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"Mom, did you tell Duff he could sleep in my bed?" I asked her angrily, storming into her room.

"Well... I mean, maybe?" she said nervously.

"What, mom? Explain."

"The poor guy has a hurt back and his life is just falling apart and he just needs a bed for a little bit. I promise no longer than a week, okay?"

"I need a bed too! I have school!" I exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, honey. It will be quicker than you know."

I rolled my eyes snd stomped out of her room and went back to the kitchen to only see Duff there drinking and smoking.

"What she say?" he asked, not even making eye contact with me.

"She said... uh... that you were told you can sleep in my bed. But that doesn't mean I'm okay with it!"

"We can sleep together, sweetheart," he winked.

"This is bullshit. I have school every fucking day, unlike you, where all you do is drink all day."

"You don't know me. Stop making assumptions."

"Look at you. It's pretty obvious."

"Sorry, hun, I was promised a bed so I'm getting a bed," he said.

"Well, clean yourself first. You look awfully dirty."

"Why don't you show me how to get clean in the shower?" he flirted, giving me a sexy look.

"Stop hitting on me. Obviously I'm not interested."

"Hun, I flirt with everybody. Don't think you're too special."

"God, you're a pig," I scoffed.

"Should I make the bed for two or are you sleeping in the living room?" he asked me.

"You wish you were making the bed for two."

"I do," he nodded.

"Well, I'm showering now, so don't go in the bathroom. The lock unfourtanetly doesn't work," I blurted.

Why the fuck did I tell him that...?

"Oh. It doesn't?" he raised his eyebrows, obviously pleased by what I had just said.

"Just don't come in. Alright?"

"No promises."

I huffed loudly and walked away, heading to the bathroom.

I finished up my shower in peace, thankfully Duff not interupting me. And I looked at myself in the foggy mirror. My long dark brown hair was soaked and my dark brown eyes looked tired. I decided to put some makeup on again, even though I had just taken it off, in case Duff happens to run into me.

Not like I care or anything.

I put some top and bottom eyeliner on, mascara, as well as some foundation on, and was out the door.

"Hey there," Duff greeted me as he walked by.

"What? Were you standing in front of the bathroom door waiting for me?"

"No. I just happened to pass by as you came out."

"Sureee," I said, clearly not believing him.

"Better get your living room ready," he said.

"You're an ass. You really should let the girl have her own bed. How rude of you to take it from her."

"Honey, I'm offering you half of it. Even more, if you want. I don't mind if you're on top of me," he winked.

"I know you don't," I rolled my eyes as I made my way past him to get to my bedroom.

I heard him following me and I quickly got my stuff to spend the night in the living room.

I got all my stuff and stood up straight again, seeing Duff staring down at me, leaning against the door frame.

"If you're gonna stare that long, you're gonna need to blink," I snapped.

"Blinking is for the weak," he chuckled.

"Well, have fun in my room," I sighed as I started to head to the door.

"Cheer up, buttercup," he said, stopping me from opening the door.

"I need to get to sleep. I have school at seven-thirty in the morning, unlike you."

"Honey, if you really think I was gonna take your bed, you're extremely wrong. I just like messin' with you. I already am intruding enough, I'm not gonna take your own bed from you."

"Really?" I asked with surprise.

"Of course. I'm a dirty rockstar, but not that dirty," he smiled.

"Well, good. Enjoy yourself in the living room," I said, starting to put my stuff back.

"Oh, come on. I did something nice, the least you can do is offer me half of the bed."

"Not happenin', rockstar," I slightly smiled at him, "now get your ass downstairs."

"I'm scared of the dark. I need a fuck-- I mean, cuddle buddy," he smirked down at me.

I observed him as he smirked down at me, and noticed his bright blonde hair was teased, his brown eyes had some eyeliner on them, and he was skinny and he was about 7 inches taller than me. He sure is one tall dude.

"Fuck-- I mean, cuddle your pillow then. Now go, I have to go to bed," I said, starting to push him out of my room.

"C'monnn, Jen, I'm drunk and lonely. I need youuu," he begged.

"Well, if you want me now you're gonna have to get me way drunker than you," I laughed.

"I'd be happy to accept that challenge," he smirked.

"Oh. Would you now?" I smiled.

"Yes, baby, I would," he nodded.

I then let the thought of me sleeping with him run through my head for a few seconds, and even though it sounded nice, I knew it wouldn't be a smart idea.

"Don't you love when I give you false hope?" I meanly smiled.

"Come on, Jen, don't do this," he pleaded.

"Get out, Duff. It's never going to happen."

He frowned at me and slowly slumped out of my bedroom. I closed the door behind him and quickly got ready for bed.

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