G'NR Is Crashing Here

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"Not answerin'," Steven said.

"Manager's not answerin'?!" Axl yelled back.

"Nope," Steven shook his head.

"Great! Awesome! Now we have no place to go and no manager and now no fucking band," Axl said, clenching his fists so tightly that his hands turned bright red.

"Come on, Axl. It'll be fine," the brown haired one said, rubbing the sides of his head.

"This fuckin' pisses me off," Axl said.

"I feel like I'm gonna vomit," Slash announced.

"Take your hungover ass to the bathroom then. None of us want to see that," Duff said back to him.

"Get yourselves together. We have a serious problem here," Axl said to everyone.

"Axl, you'd be lying if you said you weren't hungover right now," the brown haired one, Izzy, I think his name is, said to him.

"I don't care how hungover I am. Fuck hangovers. We have shit to do. We're a fuckin' band. We have gigs and shit."

"Well, sometimes there's just so much you can do," Slash shrugged.

"So you're just gonna brush it off like it's nothing? Like our band is nothing?"

"Chill out, Axl. You're getting way too emotional for a bunch of hungover fucks this early in the morning," Izzy said, laying back down on the floor.

"Whatever. Fuck you, guys," Axl fumed, barging up the stairs.

I looked over at Duff again and he shrugged at me, blowing out a thick cloud of smoke.

"We were that drugged out that we don't even know what we did with the cars?" Izzy asked, looking at everyone with confusion.

"I guess we were," Steven shrugged.

"Well, we're never seeing those cars again," Slash muttered.

"Why's the manager not answering?" Anna asked them.

"Like we know," Izzy responded sarcastically.

"Axl may be right. You guys could be really fucked here," I said.

"Well, we can crash here, can't we?" Slash questioned.

"Not forever. Well, not even until tomorrow. My mom's coming back," I answered.

"Aw, don't worry. She'll love us," Slash said to me with a wink, a hint of rudeness in his voice.

"I'm not having you all stay here. Not happening. Duff is enough," I snapped back.

"You can't leave us on the fuckin' street," Izzy piped in.

"It ain't my fuckin' problem. I quite frankly don't care where the fuck you end up. You're not my responsibility," I barked back.

"Come on, you're a nicer person than that. I can just sense it," Izzy smirked.

The landline then started ringing and I shot Izzy a dirty look before I headed for it.

"Who was it?" Anna asked as I came back to the living room.

"My mom..."


"Well, she's, uh... not coming back for a month," I swallowed.

"Perfect. Looks like we're crashing here," Izzy instantly said.

"Wait, hold up," Duff said, "why a month?"

"Something came up I guess, I don't know," I shrugged.

"A whole month? Damn," Anna said.

"I still don't want all of you here," I told Izzy, "I actually want none of you here."

"Come on," Slash pleaded, "we have nowhere else to go as of now. A buncha shit's goin' wrong."

"But I don't need to care for you guys. You're all grown adults. Figure your own shit out."

"Come on, Jen," Izzy bugged.

"You know what? No! Duff was only here because he apparently lost you guys on the road. Now look. You're all here. Problem solved. So you all can fuck off and leave my house," I barked.

"Harsh, Jen," Anna told me.

"You take 'em with you then, Anna," I snapped.

"You really want us to leave?" Duff asked me.

I looked at his sad eyes and instantly felt bad.

"Jen, we need you, man," Slash said.

"Man, you all are impossible," I shook my head, "fine. As long as you control your little hot-headed ginger. I can't have that kind of yelling and anger when my head is about to burst because of how bad it's hurting."

I then saw a smile form on all of their lips and I huffed loudly, going up the stairs.

A couple of hours went by and I was just alone in my room.

"Hey," someone said, letting themselves into my room.

I looked up and saw Anna walking in, closing the door behind her.

"Hey," I breathed loudly.

"This is some crazy shit, isn't it?" she laughed.

"Yeah, man. It is fucking crazy. Like... what the fuck is going on?" I laughed.

"Duff seems really into you though," she smiled.

"No, he seems really into the idea of getting in my pants. There's a difference," I shot back.

"Nah, I sense there's something more to it," she told me.

I looked at her in silence for a bit and took a deep breath.

"And what's goin' on with Slash? Anything happen between you two?" I asked.

"Sorta. I mean, I just flirted with him and he flirted back. We didn't even kiss though," she sighed.

"Do you know why you didn't?" I questioned.

"I don't know," she shrugged, "he never made a move."

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