Mom's Leaving For The Weekend

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We finished shopping and were headed back to my car.

"Let me drive," he said.

"No," I shook my head, heading to the driver's seat.

"Let me driveee," he said, pulling me backwards by my hips, turning me around, his face centimeters from mine.

"I told you no," I said back to him, his hot, minty breath hitting my face.

"I'm driving," he laughed, picking me up, spinning me around so I was now behind him.

He stole my keys and went into the driver's seat and I huffed loudly and went to the passenger seat.

"Why do you want to drive my car so bad?" I asked him.

"Because I want you so bad," he flirted, starting to drive away.

"That's not answering my question."

"That's the answer to all of your questions."

"Save your breath, Duff. You trying to flirt and all that shit won't work."

"Just wait and see, baby," he smirked.

I shook my head and stared out the window.

We made it home in one piece and we quickly walked in.

"Thanks for taking me," Duff thanked me.

"Now can we just leave each other alone?" I asked.

"Whatever you want. But trust me, you won't last long," he winked.

"No, you trust me. I will," I shot back, walking upstairs to my room.

I plopped down on my bed, exhausted, and stared at the wall blankly.

It's Friday night and I have no plans.

I then heard a knock on my door and rolled my eyes so hard I thought they rolled out of my head.

"Go away!" I yelled.

"What was that, Jenna?" my mom's angry voice replied.

"Oh, sorry, mom! Thought you were Duff!" I exclaimed.

She then walked in and looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, Duff is with me," she said, Duff walking in right behind her.

Can I catch a fucking break?

"I just wanted to tell you both that I am leaving for the weekend for a work trip. Duff will make sure you don't do anything bad, Jenna," my mom said, looking at me seriously.

"You're kidding me. You're putting some random ass rockstar in charge when you're gone? You trust him more than me?"

"Relax, Jenna. It's only 'cause I'm older than you," Duff smirked at me.

"That's right. Of course I trust you, sweetheart. It's just... he's an adult. He's a good boy, Jenna. Don't worry."

Oh, really?

"Whatever," I breathed loudly.

"I'm leaving in about ten minutes. So you both take care of each other and be good. I'll be back late Sunday night," she told us.

"Sounds good, Ms. Mayer," Duff smiled politely at her.

"Take care, baby," my mom said to me, rubbing my head.

I didn't say anything and she walked out of my room, leaving Duff and I alone again.

"This will be fun," he said to me.

I didn't say anything to him either and he strutted out of my room confidently.

About an hour has gone by and I've just been in my room, doing nothing.

"Hey there," Duff said to me, barging into my room, scaring me.

"What is it, Duff?" I huffed, clearly annoyed.

"I'm throwin' a party, 'kay? So either you come down there and invite some people or you stay up here," he told me.

"You're not throwing a fucking party in my house," I said to him sternly.

"I'm in charge, young lady. You do not tell me what to do," he said back to me.

"Duff, I'm serious. This is my house, you do not have permission to throw a party here."

"Live a little. Trust me, you'll have fun," he said with a devilish smile.

"Whatever," I shook my head, deciding there's no point in fighting him on this because he would win anyway.

"See you downstairs in a couple hours then," he said to me, walking out of my room.

I then immediatley picked up my landline and called Anna.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Anna, come over. My mom left for the weekend and Duff is throwing a party."

"What?! Really?!" her voice asked with excitement.


"Will he invite the hot guitar player?!"

"Anna, I don't know. HE LOST THEM ON THE ROAD HENCE WHY HE IS HERE. How many times do I need to tell you that?"

"Let me dream, Jenna."

I didn't say anything and just took a deep breath.

"Do I get hot here or at your place?" she asked me.

"My place," I answered.

"Be there in a few," she told me.

We then hung up the phone and I took a deep breath, staring at my wall again, zoning out.

"Hey bitch," Anna said, storming into my room, startling me.

"Anna? Who let you in?" I asked, confused.

"Door's unlocked. Unsafe. Get on that," she replied, popping her gum, positioning herself in front of my mirror.

"Well, what are you looking at?" she snapped, looking at me through the mirror, "get hot, bitch."

"Am I not hot enough?" I chuckled.

"Of course you're hot, babe. But come on, this might be one night stand part two."

"No. Not happening."

"You never know," she smirked at me, starting to touch up her makeup.

I then inhaled deeply, standing up, heading to my makeup to touch up as well.

"We are two hot bitches," Anna smiled, looking at the finished product of both of us in the mirror.

"I can't deny," I smiled as well, checking us out.

Anna had a casual, yet slutty, black dress on with tall black heels and intense metallic makeup complementing her dark green eyes. Her short brown hair was curly and her jewlery was flashing.

And for me, I had a tight black crop top on, high waisted dark blue jean shorts, Converse, and my casual black makeup and this time dark lip.

"I hear people down there already. Shall we make our way down?" Anna smirked.

"I suppose we shall," I replied, raising my eyebrows at her.

She giggled and grabbed my hand, dragging me out of my room.

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